Wolfenstein: The New Order

Can't help but feel it was all OTT, going to the moon, underwater to some secret lair - its getting well into the realms of science fiction which is what Wolfenstien isnt about! and wtf were all the sex scenes needed for!?! lol - its a computer game not a soppy movie!

Ummm, as a long time fan of the series I'm going to speculate that that is exactly what Wolfenstein is all about


Brilliant game - thoroughly enjoyed it, and it ran like a dream pretty much on full whack. I thought it was amazing looking - if Doom 4 is similar I'll be very happy. More shooters like this please
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Ummm, as a long time fan of the series I'm going to speculate that that is exactly what Wolfenstein is all about


Brilliant game - thoroughly enjoyed it, and it ran like a dream pretty much on full whack. I thought it was amazing looking - if Doom 4 is similar I'll be very happy. More shooters like this please

no idea yet about DOOM 4, but that game has a more advanced engine, i'm hoping DOOM 4 is in space and not back on Earth....they scrapped the earlier Earth version they made, but it might still be on Earth
Just finished this tonight. Fantastic game. Hands down the most fun I've had playing a PC title in ages. Ran excellently for me, special mention I think goes to the music throughout it, brilliant......just brilliant.

Others have liked the music. but for me RTCW had the best ever music, I did not find it all that memorable in this game.

Listen here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VglqceqKQF4

And I used to like this when you booted up multiplayer ..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GttyC0L90E
Wolfenstein was great fun, but I'm eagerly awaiting more information on Doom. Hopefully they pull it off well, as with Wolfenstein (minus a few issues).
Oh man, just installed Wolfenstein from retail discs (4 discs!) and now theres a 10gb update, wth?!?

Installed 29.2gb from discs, got to reach 40.7gb on Steam.

No Wolfenstein for me tonight then! :(
Just finished this tonight. Fantastic game. Hands down the most fun I've had playing a PC title in ages. Ran excellently for me, special mention I think goes to the music throughout it, brilliant......just brilliant.

Yeah, the music is indeed pretty special :)

yup...I watched all the credits listening to this! :D
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Anyone got any tips for defeating the final boss - having real trouble with him. Not helped by the stupid save point.

So I've shot down the blimps and killed the shielded version of him, it's the bit after where you drop down into the area with all the pipes.

I've watched a video walkthrough which makes it look pretty simple, I've unloaded 16 rockets at his face - in the video he dies after about 10 but for me he's still up and still survives a few blasts of the Laserkraftwerk, grenades and AR magazines. Tried standing still and get killed by the fire, tried moving around and he blasts me. I make sure I get all the Health Packs before dropping down, so I have like 250+ HP when I go down

So frustrating, I really like this game but am not a fan of boss battles and this one sucks. I know I should just reduce the difficulty but it'd be a shame to have to do that.
All i did was run from one end of the room to the other to recharge the laser and keep shooting him in the head, didnt bother with grenades or other weapons, just fire as fast as possible and run, recharge, repeat.
Just started playing this, cant say i am too impressed with the difficulty playing on Uber, you can just run around shooting without a care in the world, other than the stupid dogs which force you into a quicktime like event which is always rubbish and has no place in a PC game.

The special effects like DOF which you cant turn off easily are really annoying, the textures seem to constantly change quality making it harder to see you surroundings, screen shaking massively when firing the assault rifles is really annoying and not very realistic at all.

It just seems like modern ideas on special effects seems to be about obscuring your vision as much as possible, making it as unnatural and glaring as possible rather than trying to increase the fidelity and make the game seem more real.

Anyway rant over :).

Going to play a little more and hopefully find some way to remove the screen shaking nonsense.
I'm currently playing through this after buying in the Steam sales. I quite like it but it's running like a dog on my rig in sig (Which I *thought* would do reasonably well in this game).

Does anyone know which drivers work best? I have tried 3.9, 4.4 and the beta 4.6's and the best I can get out of it is to load CCC from the 3.9's with the actual 4.4 driver.

I'm one of those annoying people that usually never has problems but I'm stumped.

I'm getting between 25 - 35 FPS on medium settings and it's spoiling the game a bit for me.

EDIT: Never mind I still had windows 7 compatibility turned on from before the driver change as instructed by another forum but after you get the 4.4 driver installed with the 3.9 ccc you don't need it anymore.
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