38gb for DLC? Are they serious?
Been busy with work so just got to chapter two.
It's more of the same, which is just plain fine by me - although I never seem to really "get" the bits where they claim to give you a choice between stealth or firepower. I mean if you go in all guns blazing they just wear you down with endless waves of enemies so really, there's not a choice at all. You have to go stealth first or it's just plain undoable?
Unfortunately, that is another id Tech 5 issue.
Mega-texturing sounded so good, but you end up with lots of blurred textures.
Texture pop in this game is horrendous!
For a laugh I put all IQ settings to max. Oops... Total slideshow and texture corruption.
What setting get's rid of the horrible texture pop up when you look around?
Just read the review on RPS, have to say i think they review a different game to what i play. That site has gone downhill so much. Time to delete the bookmark me thinks.