Dowie you seem to spend a lot of time on the topic of left / right / trans / political / etc, you studying it or something?
As for this incident, I simply don't care. Things get heated at speaker's corner, this has been known forever. Going there to speak is doing so in the knowledge that it could go wrong.
One person threw a punch, ergo all the left are dangerous savages.
Something weird is going on. I do not recall reading or hearing a collective of words sequenced in this way 10 years ago. I seem to be caught in some bizarre rapid social pseudo-evolution. I feel quite inadequate!
except no one has said that, in particular it is the regressive/alt left types being criticised here the victim is also 'left'... still nice straw man
The left wing are dangerous, they are the real threat
nope, just think the identity politics thing that has emerged again recently is bizarre, I don't care if someone is left or right or whatever
they were there to meet up before heading off to a secret meeting venue after their original venue received threats from the trans group
except no one has said that, in particular it is the regressive/alt left types being criticised here the victim is also 'left'... still nice straw man
In which case, if you are posting about people hitting other people they essentially agree with over some minor perceived slight, I look forward to your threads about every high street pub in the land on every Friday, or alternatively you have an agenda?
Hmmm which seems more plausible/likely to happen?
Society is becoming incredibly warped both from the "normal" that most people have grown up with and don't even think about (which to some degree isn't necessarily a bad thing) and some over compensation against areas of society where people have been discriminated or oppressed, etc. resulting in a distortion of the reality. There seems to be a general lack of ability to see the bigger picture and a certain amount of irony in that some sections of society are becoming the very thing they think they are pushing back against.
Like the series of posts about residents of grenfell's culpability in the fire which essentially appears to have spread via cladding, your agenda is pretty clear again!You're not really making much sense(unsurprisingly), this has nothing to do with Friday night drunken violence. You're welcome to go make your own thread about that, it is nothing new - this one concerns the re-emergence of identity politics, political violence and the use of no platform img tactics against a group that aren't Nazis but simply have a different opinion.
Not really interested if you want to carry on with spurious comparisons as from previous experience you're a time waster.
also can you really claim to be a civil rights group when you have "exclusionary" right there in your name?
I don't much want to read your posts, but there you go and here they are, during the time this story 'broke' no doubt 10s to 100s of similar punches occur, I guess if they don't fit the narrative they are irrelevant 'drunken brawls'.well you've got a rather dodgy memory and seem to interpret things as you like, but as I said I'm not interested - you've been a time waster in the past, I don't really want to engage with you further on this thread
also is anyone buying she was a "beautiful" girl?
not sure you can tell for sure what they used to be like in that regard once they are in their 60s to be fair
I've never understood how those who are apparently meant to be fighting "the good fight" are so narrow minded to other points of views. They end up tarnishing their entire message.
because when you start identifying everyone by group or gender and us vs them you have to have people to exclude and vilify.
you cannot have such an organisation without an enemy