so that's what a few dozen people out of hundreds of millions?
sport is such a hilariously tiny thing to even make it an issue is pointless
I really don't get what's so hard to understand. When your talking about elite athletes your talking about 'few dozen people out of hundreds of millions'.
You either decide that sex segregation in sports is a good idea or not......
(personally I don't care much either way but it would be funny it they did remove sex segregation as it would instantly end the BS about certain women sports stars being paid 'less' then the men 'competing at the same level' as those women would almost universally have no chance of competing at a top level)
If you think that sex segregation in sport is a good idea (and the only real reason for sex segregation is to allow women a chance to compete at a high level) then it follows that
only women and by that I mean fully biological women should be allowed to compete.
It's got so silly with some sporting bodies that a
person with a penis can compete in female sports just as long as they take sufficient female hormones and get their testestorone down... Im a 6'01 200+ pound man...(hardly an extreme outlier for my sex and ethnic origin) Give me female hormones and sure you will weaken my athletic ability but enough to completely nullify the average gains over cis women from my body developing male, with a much larger, than the female average, bone structure. With a height that would put me in a extremely high percentile for cis women (but not for cis men?)...... Get real... Sure I'm not going to beating any female elite athletes any time soon.... But the same distinctions would apply across the spectrum of biologically male bodies.
If someone can point me to some research that demonstrates that trans women
at the highest extreme ends of their respective relevant distrubutuons retain no average advantage over cis women in the same extreme percentile then I would have course be willing to change my view...
To clarify what this evidence I am talking about.... It would need to be a study of an extreme percentile of both groups.... Something like the top 0.1% of both cis and trans women. On average, in that extreme percentile, do trans women have a performance difference to the cis women? Of course such a study would be difficult in any case given the problems of obtaining a suitably large, representative group of trans women... But that's the sort of evidence that would be sufficient to allow me to reconsider.
A trans woman is not a biological woman this is an
empirical and practical fact.
I support the right for a trans person to live in their preferred gender identify but this doesn't mean that I believe or should be compelled to say that a trans woman is the same as a (biological) woman because 1) its not true and 2) I believe its part of a wider Marxist ploy to undermine the ability of people to state the truth..... Read 1984 if you wish to learn where the impulse to control the usage and development of words comes from in totalitarian ideologies. People may think I'm a crackpot conspiracy theorist but I'm sorry there is a clear, large Venn diagram style overlap between Marxists/ Marxist theory and 'Trans' activists (much like there is for all eco and social justice types)
a recent case in point..... an authoritarian (no free speech for people I don't agree with), Marxist trans activist
You can say that Sport is such a 'tiny' thing to be worried about but its clear that such issues are the thin edge of a wedge being pushed hard by a certain lobby and they are not going to stop because the very continuing existence of Marxism revolves around the same blueprint......
1) identify a disparity of outcome in a group
2) Class those appearing to be doing better in this group as the oppressors (The bourgeoisie in classical Marxism)
3) Class the rest as the oppressed, whether or not this is actually the case. (The proletariat in classical Marxism)
4) Tell the 'oppressed' that they are where they are because of the oppressors (whether this is true or not)
5) Agitate for the 'oppressed' to rise up against the 'oppressors' and in doing so 'destroy the system' (Marxists love to talk about 'systems' be it 'capitalism', 'white privilege, 'cis privilege', the 'patriarchy' etc as without a 'system there's nothing for them to tear down)
Of course by agitating for this you tacitly if not expressly support the use of actual violence to 'overthrow the system' - hence seeing behaviour like that discussed in this thread
..........The old 'punch a Nazi' trope where there appears to be an ever expanding definition of what constitutes a 'Nazi' (some people commenting earlier in this thread should really think hard about their comments excusing (political) violence - your know who you are...) By this ridiculous system the likes of Ben Shapiro (a Jew) get to be labelled as Nazi's!
6) When the destruction of 'the system' actually causes pretty much all people in it (perhaps excluding the leadership) to suffer more than they were collectively before they started start making excuses (it wasn't 'real socialism' etc...)
7 Rinse and repeat
By this method previously 'oppressed' classes can find themselves now the 'oppressors' in the victim hierarchy / caste system that this thinking produces hence a group of (biological) women (feminists) being attacked for being 'trans exclusionary' or 'transphobic'