Woman injured as feminists and transgender groups fight at Speakers’ Corner

I just find it amusing that you make your agenda so obvious, whilst trying to insinuate that you have no agenda :p

This forums knows your views on the "Alt-Left/identity politics loonies" by now. We get it.

I was just pointing out that this person being punched is meaningless and doesn't highlight anything, other than that generally people can be a bit ****.

where did I say I had no agenda... the agenda was clearly to discuss the alt left/identity politics types and this example of people from that pov going beyond 'punch a nazi' (which they often justify by stating that fascism is violent) to trying the same tactics now simply on a group that isn't violent but simply whose views they don't like I'm not really sure what relevance drunken brawls have to the thread other than a lame attempt at deflection/derailing
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It just shows that trouble seems to follow these people around, (unsurprisingly when they approach officers telling them to drop their weapon with a challenge of "shoot me"). It was a singular mistake of judgement :)

Does it show anything like that?
Let's try using some evidence to consider the proposition, there were 183 people reported killed by non-military law enforcement officers in the United States in 2016


In 2013 there were 33,636 deaths due to "injury by firearms" in the USA

Odd that you, much like Dowie find statistically (if not personally/emotionally) insignificant events like these "news worthy" and extrapolate what they show about specific groups (whilst ironically complaining about identity/group politics) and yet, when a standing Labour MP is gunned down, or a right wing media presenter punches someone, presumably this says nothing about the ideology of the perpetrator?
Odd that you, much like Dowie find statistically (if not personally/emotionally) insignificant events like these "news worthy" and extrapolate what they show about specific groups (whilst ironically complaining about identity/group politics) and yet, when a standing Labour MP is gunned down, or a right wing media presenter punches someone, presumably this says nothing about the ideology of the perpetrator?

Media organisations find them newsworthy else they'd not report on them... also nice straw man at the end - where has that claim been made?
Media organisations find them newsworthy else they'd not report on them... also nice straw man at the end - where has that claim been made?

A straw man that is a direct question, is that possible and are you saying that far worse is true of right wing people, due to Thomas Mair killing jo cox and Clarkson punching someone in the face?

Making an anecdotal point about statistically insignificant events, like someone getting a slap in the face, then making grand claims of what it suggests about swathes of other people, is pretty silly. Especially when you ignore the obvious point, that the same could be done across a range of 'news worthy' stories, some of which have had considerably more serious consequences than said, slap in the face.
you're certainly not interested in the thread itself but rather your aim here seems to be to disrupt the thread and moan about the fact it exists, you're perfectly able to go and make your own thread about Friday night violence or whatever if you like
you're certainly not interested in the thread itself but rather your aim here seems to be to disrupt the thread and moan about the fact it exists, you're perfectly able to go and make your own thread about Friday night violence or whatever if you like
Is it your ball and are you taking it home now? :)
Is it your ball and are you taking it home now? :)

yup, like I said before I'm not interested in your usual time wasting/derailment stuff - if you want to discuss the topic or at least something relevant/tangental to the topic then I'm happy to engage but you're not currently doing so ergo I'm not so interested
yup, like I said before I'm not interested in your usual time wasting/derailment stuff - if you want to discuss the topic or at least something relevant/tangental to the topic then I'm happy to engage but you're not currently doing so ergo I'm not so interested
Sorry but a quick reality check, it's not your Ball.

You don't get to define what is relevant or not relevant to this story, you can ignore the points I raise, or not engage, I don't mind. Just don't expect people to walk past inflated, emotional reactions and rank hypocrisy without comment.
Sorry but a quick reality check, it's not your Ball.

You don't get to define what is relevant or not relevant to this story, you can ignore the points I raise, or not engage, I don't mind. Just don't expect people to walk past inflated, emotional reactions and rank hypocrisy without comment.

You don't really have any intention of discussing the topic of the thread, your purpose here appears to main/derail and pick a fight basically... like I said before I'm not interested... I've seen it before from you and you're a time waster when this happens. That's it from me regarding this :)
You don't really have any intention of discussing the topic of the thread, your purpose here appears to main/derail and pick a fight basically... like I said before I'm not interested... I've seen it before from you and you're a time waster when this happens. That's it from me regarding this :)

What is the topic of discussion? I thought you were trying to draw a correlation between "Alt-Left/identity politics loonies" and violence. People are just quite rightly pointing out that someone punching someone at this rally is meaningless and does nothing of the sort.

This just in, Elvis fans are violence crazed loonies! http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/745472/Elvis-fans-shook-up-mass-punch-up-fight-erupts-tribute-gig
You don't really have any intention of discussing the topic of the thread, your purpose here appears to main/derail and pick a fight basically... like I said before I'm not interested... I've seen it before from you and you're a time waster when this happens. That's it from me regarding this :)
I don't care what you feel about your time, why you bring it up whenever I point our a flaw in something you say, I don't know.
Your original posts makes accusations about "they" the "alt-left" and loonies interested in identity politics, generalising the behaviour of swathes of people, based on a single minor violent incident.

Will you apply the same, emotional, anecdotal and unreasoned approach to all of Britain First, Nationalists or Rightwing people based on similar more grave news worthy stories?

Personally I don't lump people into 'group' identities easily, though as said elsewhere, people saluting a Genocidal Fascist Dictator like Hitler and that being followed up with a terrorist murder by a Neo Nazi, would concern me about the wider position of those who happily continue to march along side them.
Typical identity politics victim caste system turning on itself....

Gay, white, cis men and white women used to be the primary 'oppressed' categories in western society but they have now, at least in part, joined white, hetro, cis, men in the 'oppressor' class under cultural Marxist doctrine so prevalent in 'left' politics

A trans woman is not the same as a biological woman.... End of.... Period

It's not bigotry to point out this fact.

Where a legitimate distinction is made on the basis of sex then a trans person identifying as one gender or another should not automatically be allowed to be treated as per their gender identity if it undermines the intention of the initial sex segregation.

Sport is an acute example of this...

Elite atheletes can quote accurately be described as 'freaks'... they are extreme outliers in their respective populations.

A trans woman taking female hormones may weaken their athletic and strength performance but they would still retain, on average, a significant advantage over the average woman. Allowing trans women into certain sports equals a disproportionate representation of trans women in the categories and undermines the whole point of sex segregated sport. Dont like sex segregated sport...... ?

Fine but be ready for the almost compete absence of women at senior levels in a lot of sports.

Trans men on the other hand (subject to staying within permissable testestorone levels) have no competitive advantage over men, on average, so could be free to compete in men's sports (this won't often happen, if at all, in reality because they will suffer as a result of their female biology)

Similar rules should apply to intersex people. So no females with interal male organs in women's sports. Again they can compete, but against men.

I generally support the right of trans people to live in their preferred gender. But taking hormones and or cosmetically changing your genitalia and chest doesn't change biological reality. As such you don't get to self determine membership of a different sex for different / preferential treatment regardless of what 'state' of transitioning you occupy.

Whether sex differentiated treatment itself is valid in a particular scenario is a seperate discussion.
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