These studies are always non sense.
Rape is NEVER the victims fault. that is the end of it. If they want to get 1000 rapists and ask them who is to blame then sure they will say the victim.
I remember last time they said cannabis leads to scizophrenia i researched their "study" and found that they were actually asking mental patients if they ever smoked cannabis and that was the study.
it does not matter how you dance, how you dress, the blame for rape is on the rapist. No matter who the victim is, whether they think the victim is a terrorist and the rapists where nice shiny uniforms with badges that say British transport police. They are still rapists....
These sorts of studies make it into the media via common purpose and are attacks on the victims of rape. They release these sorts of press releases as there are evil rapists that have control high up within the government and media. but no one wants to believe that...
Really?, so in that instance your saying that if a women takes a guy home, she's a bit drunk etc, been flirting with said chap all night, but then changes her mind at the last minute, maybe she realises it's not something that she actually wants to do or whatever, but the man proceeds to rape her then you beleive that the women in question should take some responsibility for that rape ?
So baaaaaaasically, I'ma get her on top and then after about 5 minutes or so (Read: 20 seconds), I'ma tell her I don't wanna do it anymore and if dat beeatch don't hop the **** off pronto, she be rapin'?
Really?, so in that instance your saying that if a women takes a guy home, she's a bit drunk etc, been flirting with said chap all night, but then changes her mind at the last minute, maybe she realises it's not something that she actually wants to do or whatever, but the man proceeds to rape her then you beleive that the women in question should take some responsibility for that rape ?
So baaaaaaasically, I'ma get her on top and then after about 5 minutes or so (Read: 20 seconds), I'ma tell her I don't wanna do it anymore and if dat beeatch don't hop the **** off pronto, she be rapin'?
Calm down Kanye.
So there is absolutely no responsibility whatsoever on the victim for their exposure to the situation?
There is nothing at all that many victims could have done that would have prevented or dramatically reduced their risk?
Do you argue that someone who leaves their house unlocked and the front door open while they go out for 8 hours has no responsibility at all if their possessions get stolen?
Calm down Kanye.
well you take it to the extreme if you want and say well a 16 year old girl who is extremely good looking where a short skirt should not be hanging out with a bunch gangsters in a secluded location as she is asking for trouble. sure some instances where the victim should know better. but in those instances, the only fault of the victim would be ignorance, naivity or just being too trustful.
i don't think the comparison of leaving your house unlocked, to being a victim of rape works.
But he must accept some responsibility for his actions.well even if you see a guy walking through a neighbourhood with a wad of cash and you rob him, you are still a theif, even if you think the guy is "asking for it". you are still a theif and he is still a victim of theft.
They need to be made an example of. The accused has his life ruined and genuine rape victims have a harder time convincing anyone that they're telling the truth.personally people like this girl need a good smacking around the head...idiot absolute idiot.
well even if you see a guy walking through a neighbourhood with a wad of cash and you rob him, you are still a theif, even if you think the guy is "asking for it". you are still a theif and he is still a victim of theft.
the only people that try and blame the victims of rape, for being too sexy (oh god what a crime) is the rapists themselves.
if you can't control yourself around good looking people, people who dance well or people who you are attracted to, then maybe you shouldn't go out.