Women say some rape victims should take blame

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I'm of the view that no means no whatever the situation. The victims are not to blame.

But at the same time if you put yourself into situations in life you need to appreciate there is an increased risk.

In a similar example like others have given, if I leave a phone on display in my car, I increase the probablity that someone will break into my car. It's not my fault someone else broke into my car, but I increased the probablity.

If a girl gets very drunk and goes to a guys house that she doesn't know, she is increasing the probablity of getting raped. It is still not her fault, but through her actions she has increased the probablity of it happening.

I think this is why some women think that sometimes women are to blame, as they see them taking risks and putting themselves into situations that they would not do themselves.

I have noticed an increase in advertisements regarding binge drinking, taking a prebooked taxi etc recently, I think this is the key - educating people of the risks they are taking, and hopefully reducing the numbers of rapes.
No , but if you went into an area well know for stabbings then your actions are irresponsible

But that can be said for pretty much ANYTHING that happens.

So if a girl gets subjected to a cancelled train, and gets to her station late at night, and has to walk home, she is partly responsible for anything that happens to her that has been made more likely due to it being late at night?

Or in the above situation can we shift responsibility to the train operators for delay in the first place?

Being in a club makes you more likely to get your drink spiked, so is a teetotal girl who was out drinking just coke who got spiked and rape partly to blame for being a club where such things are more likely to happen?

Utter toss!
you should be able to go out and a have drink and get hammed wearing what ever you want without some guy saying "oh well you should have not got drunk or wear those clothes cause know i am gonna rape you"

realistically, if you are good looking and you go out, no matter what you are wearing or how much you drink, you have a high chance of being targetted. whether you want to accept it or not there are people that go on the weekends with the intent on finding rape victims in bars and clubs. they are calculated and extremely good at what they do.

you can even get raped going to the doctor or during a job interview (drugged) then how can you possibly blame the victim ?

ok so if the person drinks alcohol in public, showing skin, then they should expect to get raped and if they do then they are partly to blame ? if that is the case then we have a sad world today.
I remember hearing a talk show on Radio 4 or similar with some rape victims, some did blame themselves, and tbh.. it was very understandable. The most compelling argument was from one girl who admitted she led men on to get a kick out of it, and she would take it further and further as time went on, until she took it too far (according to one man) and was attacked.

Helen Mirren told the BBC News I think it was that she had been "raped" in her time, but also said she didn't report it because it was her fault.. she got drunk and followed/lead them to a bedroom but regretted it the next morning.

I've also had friends accused of rape, but they were similar to the "too drunk to give consent" case above, i.e. the girl was plastered and slept with them, then regretted it so cried rape.

If you leave your front door unlocked and open whilst you are at work, and you get burgled, it's still burglary, but it's still partly your fault for leaving the door unlocked and open. Much is the same for rape, if you lead someone on, go home with them, climb into bed with them, get raped, yes it is still rape, but it is also partly your fault. If you didn't want to sleep with them, why would you a) go home with them, and b) get in bed with them?!
But that can be said for pretty much ANYTHING that happens.

So if a girl gets subjected to a cancelled train, and gets to her station late at night, and has to walk home, she is partly responsible for anything that happens to her that has been made more likely due to it being late at night?

Or in the above situation can we shift responsibility to the train operators for delay in the first place?

Being in a club makes you more likely to get your drink spiked, so is a teetotal girl who was out drinking just coke who got spiked and rape partly to blame for being a club where such things are more likely to happen?

Utter toss!

Obviously there are many situations where the victim of a crime has done everything within their power to stay safe and no one disputes that, it is the irresponsible actions I'm talking about.
If you put yourself in a situation where you could be raped, then it follows that you should accept partial responsibility if you then get raped.

This extends to all situations.
Wading into this thread with the woman's perspective.

One of my friend's is a terrible flirt, to the point she isn't even aware she is doing it. She has a natural sparkle to her eyes and people are drawn to her, men and women and she often puts herself into situations what could pose a danger to her. An example of this:

On holiday all of us got a funny feeling about a guy who was trying it on with all of us. He was drunk and seemed aggressive (although hadn't done anything at that point).

We went back to the Yacht that they had sailed into port (their job) for another couple of drinks (4 girls 2 boys), he was still trying it on with us, grabbing us as we walked down the street etc, three of us turned to the other girl and said we wanted to go home, she was insistent that she wanted a couple more drinks. We stayed on land talking to the nice guy while she went on for a tour and to get some drinks for us. After about 10 minutes she hadn't come back. We went on to the boat to see if she was ok. She was pinned onto the bed by him. Thankfully we got her out before anything too bad happened.

This is one of many situations that she has got into, and she doesn't seem to learn. So yes, I would say if she got raped in one of these situations, she should hold some responsibility, but she is not to blame. She is a grown woman who should know better. This obviously is completely different as to when a woman gets jumped while walking through a park or down a street.
If you put yourself in a situation where you could be raped, then it follows that you should accept partial responsibility if you then get raped.

This extends to all situations.

What crap.

So the only way a woman can be totally devoid of partial responsibility of being raped is to lock herself in her house with no-one around?
Really?, so in that instance your saying that if a women takes a guy home, she's a bit drunk etc, been flirting with said chap all night, but then changes her mind at the last minute, maybe she realises it's not something that she actually wants to do or whatever, but the man proceeds to rape her then you beleive that the women in question should take some responsibility for that rape ?

They should take some responsibility for the rape in the same way I'd have to take responsibility for my car being stolen if I left it in a dodgy area of London with the keys in the ignition. It's not my fault that my car was stolen nor do I deserve it but it was stolen because of the way I'd have acted, not at random.

Some people dont help themselves. It's a situation I've never been in and never hope to be in but there seems to me to be a difference between a guy who, along with a girl, gets drunk, meets in a club, gets invited back, gets into bed... and then has sex against 'her will' and a guy who stalks innocent girls in the middle of a park.

But no, lets pretend its black and white!
What crap.

So the only way a woman can be totally devoid of partial responsibility of being raped is to lock herself in her house with no-one around?

No, what I'm saying is that when there is an obvious threat of rape, you don't go making yourself a target.

In war, you could get shot and die, doesn't mean you run butt-naked around the enemy encampments. You're like to be shot and killed. Who's fault is it? Both the people who shot you, and you for being an idiot.

If you willingly, and knowingly enter into a situation which could be dangerous, you have to accept the possibility that something bad could happen. There is your partial responsibility.

Doesn't excuse the other party(ies) at all, mind you. But it doesn't absolve the victim of responsibility.
I don't like that the subject of the thread (and the BBC article) speaks about 'blame'. Blame sounds black or white, his or her fault. Degrees of responsibility is different.


Please also read the reaction article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8516519.stm

Rape is never the victim's fault, but a rash of silly/stupid decisions may well have made the victim more susceptible.
This thread will go round in circles until certain people understand the difference between BLAME and BEING RESPONSIBLE.

Also I would like to point out that, although the report didnt specifically say "not in every occasion should they take responsibility", no one is saying that the victim has some responsibility in ALL cases.

Why would a girl wear provocative clothing for example ??

Sure, there is the argument that "it makes them feel good". How ?? Is it wearing next to nothing that makes them feel good or is it the attention of men that makes them feel good ?? May I add, as long as its men SHE likes thats looking then its fine, if not then they are a dirty perv.

They then decide to walk home alone down a dark street instead of calling a taxi saying "I will be fine" to her mates.

Is she to BLAME if she gets raped ?? - NO
Did she put her herself at greater risk ?? - YES
Should she have been more responsible and got a taxi or stayed with mates instead of wandering off alone ?? - YES.
Should she accept some responsibility (NOT BLAME)if raped ? - YES

Am I wrong in the above scenario ?? If so, explain....
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These studies are always non sense.

Rape is NEVER the victims fault. that is the end of it. If they want to get 1000 rapists and ask them who is to blame then sure they will say the victim.

I remember last time they said cannabis leads to scizophrenia i researched their "study" and found that they were actually asking mental patients if they ever smoked cannabis and that was the study.

it does not matter how you dance, how you dress, the blame for rape is on the rapist. No matter who the victim is, whether they think the victim is a terrorist and the rapists where nice shiny uniforms with badges that say British transport police. They are still rapists....

These sorts of studies make it into the media via common purpose and are attacks on the victims of rape. They release these sorts of press releases as there are evil rapists that have control high up within the government and media and police. but no one wants to believe that...

So if I wonder into the middle of a road without looking and subsequently get run over it is 100% the fault of the Driver?

Exactly the same situation IMO.

I can see where the original article is coming from though, if you are in bed with a woman and carry on when they say stop it's not necessarily the same as someone grabbing someone off the street and raping them, however I assume that is taken into account in court.

You've also got the argument of "what is consent"? If both are absolutely wasted and have sex but the woman doesn't necessarily want to, but doesn't say no/regrets it in the morning is that rape?

However the best bet is to keep it in your pants except with a partner and know the meaning of no.
This thread will go round in circles until certain people understand the difference between BLAME and BEING RESPONSIBLE.

Also I would like to point out that, although the report didnt specifically say "not in every occasion should they take responsibility", no one is saying that the victim has some responsibility in ALL cases.

Why would a girl wear provocative clothing for example ??

Sure, there is the argument that "it makes them feel good". How ?? Is it wearing next to nothing that makes them feel good or is it the attention of men that makes them feel good ?? May I add, as long as its men SHE likes thats looking then its fine, if not then they are a dirty perv.

They then decide to walk home alone down a dark street instead of calling a taxi saying "I will be fine" to her mates.

Is she to BLAME if she gets raped ?? - NO
Did she put her herself at greater risk ?? - YES
Should she have been more responsible and got a taxi or stayed with mates instead of wandering off alone ?? - YES.

Am I wrong in the above scenario ?? If so, explain....

Like you say, the problem is many people cannot differentiate between blame and responsibility, everyone is responsible for their actions and if you put yourself at risk in any situation whatsoever then you have to accept you are partially responsible for the outcome
I really don't think I have the life experience to comment on rape... plus it's not all black and white.


if you walk around with a grand in each pocket, flapping out over the sides - would you really be surprised if someone tried to steal it?

if you provoke someone enough into hitting you... who's fault is that?

if you go out with your boobs falling out your top, drunk off your face, all over drunk guys, who's fault is it if you get groped?

but like I said... it's not all black and white
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