Its nonsense and kind of sad that even the majority of women think that they are to blame.
Rape victims are in no way responsible for the actions of another person. There are certain expectations of living in this society and one of those is people are free do to do what they wish as long as it does not impinge/infringe, hurt someone else. Those whom hurt are entirely responsible for the hurt they cause, they cant blame the devil, they cant blame the victim.
If someone wishes to walk down the the most dangerous street in the city naked shouting "f me" "f me". If they lead on the most dangerous man in the world(and they dont say specific words like "I want you to rape me"). They can do so and they need not feel responsible for the actions of the weak willed other, upon them.
We dont require people to be aware of every danger, people cannot be aware of every danger. Trust is a part of normal social activities, people can be naive, and they shouldnt be, but thats the way some people are, should everyone be suspicious and paranoid all the time. They cannot be aware of the other persons intent, if they arent aware of the other persons intent then they arent responsible(even if they are, they arent, unless they really goad that person into that action and by goad I mean by saying specifically, do this, do this(only then they are partially responsible)
Rape victims are in no way responsible for the actions of another person. There are certain expectations of living in this society and one of those is people are free do to do what they wish as long as it does not impinge/infringe, hurt someone else. Those whom hurt are entirely responsible for the hurt they cause, they cant blame the devil, they cant blame the victim.
If someone wishes to walk down the the most dangerous street in the city naked shouting "f me" "f me". If they lead on the most dangerous man in the world(and they dont say specific words like "I want you to rape me"). They can do so and they need not feel responsible for the actions of the weak willed other, upon them.
We dont require people to be aware of every danger, people cannot be aware of every danger. Trust is a part of normal social activities, people can be naive, and they shouldnt be, but thats the way some people are, should everyone be suspicious and paranoid all the time. They cannot be aware of the other persons intent, if they arent aware of the other persons intent then they arent responsible(even if they are, they arent, unless they really goad that person into that action and by goad I mean by saying specifically, do this, do this(only then they are partially responsible)