Women seem stupid... should I try men?

16% for me. Though I found it a bit strange that a question about whether you would rather be a cat or dog is an indicator of your sexuality.

"Dogs a mans best friend." - Usually means for straight men.

Women appear to love cats/kittens.

What has the credit card limit thing got to do with being ghey anyway?

"Dogs a mans best friend." - Usually means for straight men.

Women appear to love cats/kittens.

I understand what they were implying, it's just that cats seem to me to have a better life. They're more independent and allowed to do their own thing. Though I must admit licking my own arse doesn't really appeal to me.

A gay friend told me that effeminate gay people are the tip of the iceberg i.e. the most prominent. He then stated that the majority of gay people are either hidden below the waterline in the closet, or are open about it, but you probably wouldn't register them as such if they were strangers. Perhaps it's just wish fulfillment on his part. He then told me that I was too unhygienic to be gay.
I would suggest becoming a rent boy. You will learn all about what it's like to have inimate [and not so intimate] relationships with men, and you'll get paid for it as well!

this sounds like a good starting point, also you need to have lots of female friends that think of you as one of the girls.

tight t-shirts will also help
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