Woo-hoo, the clocks go back to GMT this weekend!

Urgh, the extra hour is nice but most people are plunged into darkness.

Plus the solar panels become quite marginal from this time of year really until mid march.
Nor did I, but apparently there are lot more car accidents when the clocks change. It suddenly throws commuters into driving in darkness.

Animals know when the rush-hours are. Changing the times kills huge numbers of them.
I definitely notice the difference for a few weeks when you've got people who have totally forgotten how to drive in the dark suddenly having to do it.
Fall back, and spring forward; is how I remember whether it goes forward or back an hour.
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Yes, mixed feelings on this one.
I loathe the dark evenings and maybe a permanent state of BST would give me just about enough time to walk the dogs in something resembling daylight as opposed to the pitch black.

On the other hand, my SO is in a timezone behind hours where they don't havd daylight savings so the clocks going back mean we're not quite so far apart in time.
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Just get rid of it! Does my head in. An utterly miserable part of the year for so many people who go to work in the dark and then come home in the dark.

Far fare more people want it gone than want it.
Its extra life hassle.
It belongs in a time long passed.
It makes people not just miserable, but medically depressed.
Bet it impacts productivity too.

I'd wager most people work 9-5ish and most people do outdoor stuff after work.

I am going to try and get my hours changed this year with work. Would be great to finish at 4.
I am going to try and get my hours changed this year with work. Would be great to finish at 4.
This is a massive bonus of flexi time, it's incredibly rare I have to finish in the dark anymore. Makes you feel like there's a lot more time in your day. (We'll ignore the fact I have to be up at 0430 on the days I'm in the office to achieve this "extra" time :o)
I'm off this week and have been staying up late playing games etc. It will be helpful to get the extra hour in bed. Daisy wont be pleased to get her breakfast an hour late! She's a greedy little puddy tat.
the only thing i hate about BST is getting light at 4am, tiny bloody birds tweeting their heads of at 4am, Seaguls - seagulling at 3am.

I also cant handle anything over 28oC usually.

I dont mind BST, but i like the coseyness of GMT <3

BST it feels like you dont get much rest overnight. Everything gets light and wakes up far too early.
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GMT or BST doesn't matter much when you get 7 hours of daylight

the only thing i hate about BST is getting light at 4am, tiny bloody birds tweeting their heads of at 4am, Seaguls - seagulling at 3am.

I also cant handle anything over 28oC usually.

I dont mind BST, but i like the coseyness of GMT <3

BST it feels like you dont get much rest overnight. Everything gets light and wakes up far too early.
You know switching bst to gmt in summer would mean the seagulls start squawking an hour earlier?
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