Woo-hoo, the clocks go back to GMT this weekend!

GMT or BST doesn't matter much when you get 7 hours of daylight

You know switching bst to gmt in summer would mean the seagulls start squawking an hour earlier?

Are you sure? i literally hear NO seagulls squawking in the early hours on the morning in the GMT hours,

In the BST summer hours, Seagulls start squawking at 3am usually as a warning if they are producing children (i think it is ?) , then go back to bed, then 4am-4:30 am , you get the little songbirds doing the dawn chorus, then at 5 or 6am you get some magpies, then 7am its the wood pidgeons

I don't mind birds, but the 3am noise and 4am noise and it getting light at 4 to 4:30 is not necessary
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Are you sure? i literally hear NO seagulls squawking in the early hours on the morning in the GMT hours,

In the BST summer hours, Seagulls start squawking at 3am usually as a warning if they are producing children (i think it is ?) , then go back to bed, then 4am-4:30 am , you get the little songbirds doing the dawn chorus, then at 5 or 6am you get some magpies, then 7am its the wood pidgeons

I don't mind birds, but the 3am noise and 4am noise and it getting light at 4 to 4:30 is not necessary
I asked a seagull and he said he had no concept of timezones, bst, gmt or numbers in general.

He then stole my hot dog and crapped on my car.

I think they might be quiet during gmt hours for another reason...
I asked a seagull and he said he had no concept of timezones, bst, gmt or numbers in general.

He then stole my hot dog and crapped on my car.

I think they might be quiet during gmt hours for another reason...

They are more annoying in BST :)
The only good thing for me is I won't have to wait till 10.30 before I go out in car as sun is straight in your eye. I can go out a hour earlier. Hate the sun in mornings. Especially today as roads were damp and the dazzle was horendous.
It's quite nice here in Spain as it's so much less impactful. Even in the darkest days you get daylight from ~8am to 6pm :D

Offset by no super early light in Summer which is a bit rubbish though, as it'd be nice to get out at 4am for early morning activity for the longer activity without ruining the day for others
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That’s called natural selection. Also, what the hell are you drinking?!?

It's not called natural selection. There is nothing natural about the havoc that mankind needlessly causes.

And seriously? You care that little about the animals that die?

I remember I used to go to work down a country road that was about fifteen miles. On one occasion we counted 120 dead animals in that 15 miles. Now add that up for the whole of the UK.
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It's not called natural selection. There is nothing natural about the havoc that mankind needlessly causes.

And seriously? You care that little about the animals that die?

I remember I used to go to work down a country road that was about fifteen miles. On one occasion we counted 120 dead animals in that 15 miles. Now add that up for the whole of the UK.
I was responding to your comment that animals know when the rush hour is. Are you standing by this ridiculous comment? Cause I've not seen any animals wearing a watch recently. Do they collectively think "Ooooohhh! It's GMT! Quick! Let's head to the roads and run out in front of the cars! I can't stand winter me so I'm just going to end it now!"?
that's the politest response i've ever gotten when i tell people i prefer the dark evenings. don't get me wrong, i love a nice bright evening in the summer but come winter.....gimme the dark and lots of it!

Ha! I thrive on sunshine so although I get up in the dark more often than not I know I have sunshine waiting for me!
I was responding to your comment that animals know when the rush hour is. Are you standing by this ridiculous comment? Cause I've not seen any animals wearing a watch recently. Do they collectively think "Ooooohhh! It's GMT! Quick! Let's head to the roads and run out in front of the cars! I can't stand winter me so I'm just going to end it now!"?

I think it's fairly well know that animals have really impressive internal clocks and would probably know from one day to the next the number of cars X time after sunrise. You shift that by an hour, and yeah i'd fully believe animals would be confused.
Clock changes are one thing but there are only a few posters in GD who are, uh, posting from the future.

It is currently 7.09am Wednesday 23rd October 2024.

I can be your Magic 8 Ball if you like (call me*)

* do not call me
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