Woolwich serious incident

Whilst I agree with you, why is it that this particular murder receives this amount of outpouring of grief when others go by without a second thought?

a few reasons I suppose.

The brutality of it, the motive of it and the victim's profession. It's strange. It's as if the public's been waiting for something like to happen, as it was undoubtedly to eventually.

Some of it fear as well. When someone is murdered by a random, the rest of the public don't feel in danger. With this type of killing however, the danger can be felt by many and tensions start to spread. The grief in a way, can be a subconscious way of protesting to try and get action taken.

An interesting article regarding what the UK Muslim community can actually do about the few radicalist & extremist groups:

Personally I think they could be actively trying to oppose extremism a bit more. I don't think making excuses or sticking their heads in the sand is helpful. I've seen a few commentators talk about this not being a problem with Islam... it quite clearly is though - perhaps not with the particular brand of Islam followed by moderate Muslims but its still an Islamic issue. If hate preachers are still able to preach at community centres and Mosques (including one of the largest in the country) then there is still so much more the Muslim community could do to oppose extremism. The failure to recognise that this is still a problem for them to deal with isn't helpful.

This quote:

We cannot run to the police every time we hear some guy come out with an “extreme” view or justify terrorism, or an imam voice an illiberal opinion during a sermon.

Is either a very poor excuse or an admission that those things still happen too frequently. His use of 'illiberal opinion' is a rather diplomatic way of putting it... I mean when a preacher at the East London mosque describes Jews as filth and says that gays should be executed... its just him being 'illiberal'.
Wouldnt be suprised if it was done by members of the far right, to try and further fan the flames.

It would surprise me, as the EDL, for all their issues, would be ideologically opposed to such attacks on a war memorial.

Far more likely it was some young Muslim who thinks its cool to be a rebellious radical.
Well said dowie ^^


This is certainly nice to see -
Around half a dozen people arrived for the protest, promoted online by supporters of the EDL. A St George's flag was nailed to the wooden fence in front of the mosque.

However, after members of the group accepted an invitation into the mosque, tensions were rapidly defused over tea and plates of custard creams, followed by an impromptu game of football.

Who would have thought that a bitta' tea, biscuits and some good old footy could bring together EDL members and the York Mosque members!

I think that it would be much more productive if the UK Muslim community and the EDL actually co-operated and worked together in this fight against radicalism & extremism. A man can dream eh?
Just looking on EDL's forum and it looks like a member/Ex army member. had a nice visit early morning from the thought police! They knocked on his door and gave him a grilling over comments and 'Likes'!!!!!! Intimidation ?

Wouldn't surprise me if it was EDL inmates who stabbed the warden.



Just looking on EDL's forum and it looks like a member/Ex army member. had a nice visit early morning from the thought police! They knocked on his door and gave him a grilling over comments and 'Likes'!!!!!! Intimidation ?

Yeah because there was nothing more to it than that...
Yeah because there was nothing more to it than that...

I severely dislike people like you. OMG the police are perfect, they certainly wouldn't be above any underhand tactics. He MUST have done something wrong for the cops to be a calling.

Whether there was anything more to it (unlikely seeing as there were no charges...) or not, is not relevant, I do not believe in just justifying the police' action on things because they are the police.
Yeah because there was nothing more to it than that...

It's most likely preventative action, is said individual now going to go off and burn a mosqe down or partake in some Muslim bashing??
Very unlikely now they know the police are watching them, would they have done anything anyway? Maybe, maybe not, however the police obviously thought the threat was serious enough to have a quick word and nip it in the bud.

Good pro-active policing imho and it's exactly the same thing they have done many times in the past no doubt with radicalized Muslims, sadly though many radicalized Muslims really don't care if they die or go to prison for their cause!!
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I severely dislike people like you. OMG the police are perfect, they certainly wouldn't be above any underhand tactics. He MUST have done something wrong for the cops to be a calling.

Whether there was anything more to it (unlikely seeing as there were no charges...) or not, is not relevant, I do not believe in just justifying the police' action on things because they are the police.

I dislike people that jump to conclusions.

The police aren't going to come after you because you liked something on facebook, I didn't even say the police are perfect, quite the opposite. I doubt they have the resource to harass someone about a few facebook likes and comments, there's going to be more to it.
Really? It was Muslim extremists after all. Now there's a surprise.

In hindsight, asking a known extremist to pray for a victim of an attack similar to what he was planning was a bit silly. Why this scumbag wasn't in solitary I will never understand. Prisons are just massive criminal and extremist recruitment/training centres and it needs to stop.
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