Woolwich serious incident

Can you give me an example?

the whole tone, mentioning the religion (islam/muslim) everytime. Do they mention Christianity or Catholicism or whatnot when EDL/BNP/IRA etc attack? No so why mention the religion when a muslim does something? It is the whole psychology of them trying to equate islam with bad stuff.

They will often have Muslim or Islam as a heading when reporting such crimes.

People say that muslims should speak out? I do not think any paper will print a "positive" message from a muslim/Islam and/or they are not interested, after all good news don't sell papers.
Between the lapdog media, goverment airheads and some dodgy blogs and forum posts I have to ask how many people have actually met and spoken with anyone that is muslim???

I only ask this as in my entire life i have never had a single problem with anyone of that faith. In fact on average they have been more pleasant to get along with than the local white guys of my own town. Which makes me wonder how much of all this anti muslim stuff is made up just to demonize their community.

I am not saying there aren't any extremists out there, we have plenty of our own, like the scummy EDL. But i do think the whole thing is blown way out of proportion.

Muslims are like any other people. They have jobs, kids, bills to pay, women who nag them.

Same goes for any race or religion x,y,z. You get nutters in every group.
the whole tone, mentioning the religion (islam/muslim) everytime. Do they mention Christianity or Catholicism or whatnot when EDL/BNP/IRA etc attack? No so why mention the religion when a muslim does something? It is the whole psychology of them trying to equate islam with bad stuff.

This has been discussed earlier in the thread.

The EDL/BNP have never carried out any attacks against the general populace in the UK or any that have resulted in fatalities. They also do not use Christianity to justify their protests.
The IRA are a different kettle of fish altogether but let's bear in mind that they were actually at war with the UK. Their attacks resulted from the belief in a united Ireland. Geo-political. Not religious. The fact that Ireland is also split religiously was a side note to the troubles.

These attacks were carried out, as one of the attackers stated, because Muslims are dying in other countries at the hands of UK soldiers. They seem to have the mistaken belief that the UK is at war with Islam, it is not. It is at war with people who happen, in addition to being general douche's, to be Muslim.
Between the lapdog media, goverment airheads and some dodgy blogs and forum posts I have to ask how many people have actually met and spoken with anyone that is muslim???

I only ask this as in my entire life i have never had a single problem with anyone of that faith. In fact on average they have been more pleasant to get along with than the local white guys of my own town. Which makes me wonder how much of all this anti muslim stuff is made up just to demonize their community.

I am not saying there aren't any extremists out there, we have plenty of our own, like the scummy EDL. But i do think the whole thing is blown way out of proportion.

Yet blowing up buses and beheading people what's the big problem? Perfectly acceptable behaviour.
Yet blowing up buses and beheading people what's the big problem? Perfectly acceptable behaviour.

And yet the same can be said about the things we have done and continue to do. Torture, rendition, detention without charge, drone strikes on villages, Assassinations. ect ect

It's not a one way street is it?

But be that as it may, it still should not be used to demonize an entire group.

For example Americans, Brits, French (ill stop there as its a big list) are mostly Christians yet you don't get news reports blaming their faith as the cause of whatever incident takes place.

Personally I have no religion. Yet even to an Atheist like me its clear there's a massive anti-muslim bias in the media and it fuels the flames that are already out of control.
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I wish people would stop misusing the word racism. ISLAM is not a race. Instead of calling edl racist, they should be called nationalists. Nothing racist about being nationalist.

Have a read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalism

Just saw this article with woman getting arrested for apparently provoking passerby by having a union jack flag, then people calling her racist in the background


Did you read the article at all?

“Officers dealing with this altercation saw that a woman had a Union Flag and another flag which was highly inappropriate and in our view solely designed to further inflame tensions.
“This woman was therefore taken to one side, the second flag was taken from her and she understood that the flag was causing offence.
At no point was she arrested, or did she have her Union Flag confiscated from her.
I read the article you just can't read through the lines because you racist.

Strange how a lot of a anti-white racism is tolerated but even the a slight hint of white British standing up for their nation and its called racism and arrested and banned, this double standard is unacceptable.

If i want to go to a muslim area with a sign that is against islam, that is my right in this free country, i don't care if i am upsetting some muslims, they must learn this is a free country. If they don't want a free country, they are free to go to the islam countries where that kind of thing is simply not tolerated.
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For example Americans, Brits, French (ill stop there as its a big list) are mostly Christians yet you don't get news reports blaming their faith as the cause of whatever incident takes place.

If people were mentioning their faith as justification for their actions then why is it a surprise when it gets reported? If Islamists stopped using Islam as justification for their actions then they wouldn't be reported as such. Misdirecting your ire at the media isn't going to change anything.
Did you read the article at all?

“Officers dealing with this altercation saw that a woman had a Union Flag and another flag which was highly inappropriate and in our view solely designed to further inflame tensions.
“This woman was therefore taken to one side, the second flag was taken from her and she understood that the flag was causing offence.
At no point was she arrested, or did she have her Union Flag confiscated from her.

What was the flag that was causing offence?
I read the article you just can't read through the lines because you racist.

Strange how a lot of a anti-white racism is tolerated but even the a slight hint of white British standing up for their nation and its called racism and arrested and banned, this double standard is unacceptable.

If i want to go to a muslim area with a sign that is against islam, that is my right in this free country, i don't care if i am upsetting some muslims, they must learn this is a free country. If they don't want a free country, they are free to go to the islam countries where that kind of thing is simply not tolerated.

You need to learn more about your rights my good man. You do not have the right to incite hatred.

What was the flag that was causing offence?

I don't know, which is bugging me 'cos I am literary 10mins walk from where that video was taken!
You need to learn more about your rights my good man. You do not have the right to incite hatred.

I don't know, which is bugging me 'cos I am literary 10mins walk from where that video was taken!

So being against religion is inciting hatred in this fabian socialist multicultural cesspit we once called a free country. Which of the many ambiguous and reverse racist acts would i be violating by carrying an anti-islam sign in a muslim area?

This is the problem that i have. the double standard, muslims are not only free to carry signs that i would consider inciting hatred, actually not only free but protected against violence from people who might be offended. But when someone has a sign against islam then that is an arrest worthy offense? That double standard is despicable and everyone should not tolerate it, even the muslims, as its their own freedom that is embodied in this as well.

The UK is far too lenient and bent towards the interests of the minorities and its about time the majority was allowed to speak their mind without being called a racist and inciting hate.

That is what it takes to live in a free country, the freedom to be offended. Instead of arresting the woman they should have protected them and told passer by that this is a free country and they that have the right to be offended and carry on walking.
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