Woolwich serious incident

Integration and harmony can hardly be considered destructive.

Integration isn't the problem, the problem is immigration with a lack of integration and the tension caused by this. This shouldn't be a problem, but in reality we have a tiny vocal minorities claiming parts of the country to belong to their culture, which we largely ignore, and thus the problem seems to be growing, at least from a media perspective.

We don't seem to have the problem in Scotland, but I'm fairly sure it exists in parts of the country south of the border and we should probably attempt to control the situation before we end up electing some racists nutter party to run the country.
You don't have the problem in Scotland because:

a) There are vastly fewer immigrants/coloured/smelly foreigners etc, and
b) There are vastly fewer bigots. And those bigots you have are happy to welcome anyone who hates the English.

I always love the "ghetto" argument from the bigots too: that these incoming peoples don't want to integrate because they prefer to live in ghettos. Actually, mostly they don't. Ghettos are usually dumps, and the immigrants end up there because that's where the cheap housing is. And as soon as any manage to drag themselves out of the ghetto to a better area, that new area becomes known as a place where people with dark skins live, and the white folk leave. The amount of investment into the area sinks, and now that's a dump as well. But more generally, the immigrants have to be here a couple of generations before the discrimination against them drops enough that they can job that pays well enough to let them leave the ghetto. And don't say "self-employed" either, it makes you look ignorant: most self-employed people are much less than employed people, and most such businesses fail.

And the ones that do want to live in ghettos do so to offer each other protection against the bigots. I'll gloss over the ghettos that ex-pat Brits set up when they move abroad, because obviously that's completely different.
So very very very racist.

Fixed for you. I do wish the bigots would make up their mind whether they want the nasty foreigners with dark skins to integrate, or not. One minute it's "they always stay in their ghetto" and next it's "they're going out with our women".
If immigrants integrated we'd have little India, Tokyo and China towns in every town and city. No ghettos, no arrests for flying flags and no EDL or BNP because everybody would have assimilated.

The government needs to make more of an effort to help these minorities blend in as opposed to waiting for us to do it. Spreading them out across the UK would be a good start.
Fixed for you. I do wish the bigots would make up their mind whether they want the nasty foreigners with dark skins to integrate, or not. One minute it's "they always stay in their ghetto" and next it's "they're going out with our women".

Or maybe there was more to the poster than skin colour, but your own prejudice is coming through?

It could quite easily be construed as to the mixing of cultures, which when it happens means both cultures are affected and the hybrid mix of tentatively getting on with people no longer happens.
‘We have to put it on the table and be honest about it. Of course there are Christian extremists and Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu ones. But I am afraid this strain is not the province of a few extremists. It has at its heart a view about religion and about the interaction between religion and politics that is not compatible with pluralistic, liberal, open-minded societies.’

Read more

-Tony Blair
The government needs to make more of an effort to help these minorities blend in as opposed to waiting for us to do it. Spreading them out across the UK would be a good start.

Huh? Coming from you? You seem to be doing everything you can to prevent people from integrating!! The government isn't just going to uproot people. Anyway, there would then be an outcry whereby white people who think they own the world wouldn't want to move for anyone, because, obviously, they should have the most rights.
Huh? Coming from you? You seem to be doing everything you can to prevent people from integrating!! The government isn't just going to uproot people. Anyway, there would then be an outcry whereby white people who think they own the world wouldn't want to move for anyone, because, obviously, they should have the most rights.

I'll ignore that first bit, anyways i never meant uproot but from now on when they get here lets not have them dumped on Londoners or Brummies, spread them out. Plenty of space in Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland. There will be no outcry as long as we don't let them flood in as that was always a stupid idea. We should let them in slowly and steadily with skilled immigrants coming first above all.
We have to put it on the table and be honest about it. Of course there are Christian extremists and Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu ones. But I am afraid this strain is not the province of a few extremists. It has at its heart a view about religion and about the interaction between religion and politics that is not compatible with pluralistic, liberal, open-minded societies.’ -Tony Blair

You and the rest of the knuckle draggers in this thread are living proof that we are not living in a 'pluralistic, liberal, open-minded society' though aren't you ;)

I'll give you a while for that to sink in as I'm fully aware of your affliction.
You and the rest of the knuckle draggers in this thread are living proof that we are not living in a 'pluralistic, liberal, open-minded society' though aren't you ;)

I'll give you a while for that to sink in as I'm fully aware of your affliction.

Considering that you don't know me, your statement is a little presumptuous, and that's putting it kindly.

I don't have any affliction or affiliation.

And the views that I hold are my own ethical beliefs and in such a pluralistic society I am able to hold those and air them legally and publicly?
Considering that you don't know me, your statement is a little presumptuous, and that's putting it kindly.

I don't have any affliction or affiliation.

And the views that I hold are my own ethical beliefs and in such a pluralistic society I am able to hold those and air them legally and publicly?

I don't know you personally no. Does that stop you from tarring nations, cultures or races with a rather large brush? Doesn't look like it from your post history ;)

I think you're kidding yourself a little with the notion that your views are your own and are ethical but hey I guess you can have that one.

I notice that you brushed past the 'liberal and open minded bit' :)

Suns out and the pubs are open, be back later :)
No they ought to be spread out, they come over here they do as they are told.

Why the hell do you think that???? They can do what they want, as long as it's within the law. All you'll do is create something like the projects in America, where you just shove all the immigrants because that's where you thought it would be a good idea to put them, 50 years ago. Telling people to live simply won't work. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make immigrants integrate more.
Why the hell do you think that???? They can do what they want, as long as it's within the law. All you'll do is create something like the projects in America, where you just shove all the immigrants because that's where you thought it would be a good idea to put them, 50 years ago. Telling people to live simply won't work. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make immigrants integrate more.

No not creating projects, just spreading them out so we don't turn London and Birmingham into proje oh wait..TOO LATE! There is nothing wrong with letting them in steadily and spreading them across our nation evenly. They don't get to choose anyways so they won't moan. People will live with it because of the equal distribution of minorities in each area of Britain. Where minorities rule the British way of life has diminished..however where British way of life rules the foreign cultures have been placed around (china towns) and we can all choose to sample a taste on a whim. That's how it should be.
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