Yet we and our allies find no problem in killing non-combatants all the time. In fact funerals are deemed legitmate taarget by us and out allies.
We take out high ranking low ranking dudes all the times in non-combatant situations. In fact we and our allies are handing out medals to these guys
I'm not talking about illegal killings, i'm talking about state sanctioned legal killings, pre-emptive strikes, training camps, funerals etc. This is war, do you think only one side has the right to do attack the other in their home lands? Being of the same underlying faith and being a serving member of an Army, i'm sure you can grasp the differences.
Are people at funerals active combatants? Are target assignation victims in a combatitive role when they are killed? Are people in training camps legitimate targets? (you know like barracks) This man was a serving soldier of the opposite side to these men.
Again I’m not justifying anything, just pointing out we do the same and treat these actions as heroic, yet the opposing side does similar it's somehow barbaric.
Stop pretending I’m justifying these actions because I’m not, vie stated numerous times they are disgusting as are the actions carried out by our forces.
So what exactly have you done to change the situation bar justify the actions of murderers?