Woolwich serious incident

Hope some of the lads go out to Anglesey road tonight and get a little bit of vengeance

Hope so :D

The evil ###### who killed the poor lad

Let me get this right? You want the (white) 'lads' to go out down there to get a little bit of vengeance on Somalians that most likely had nothing to do with this incident?

Don't get me wrong, the two involved deserve more than is most likely going to come to them but attitudes like the two above start wars.
And I'm not fishing :confused:

What would happen? It's a legitimate question, or is it not? :confused:

You made the statement and I'm curious.

The police in America appears to be armed. What's happening there because of that fact?

Well, it seems logical to me that if all police were armed then more criminals would feel the need to be armed also...resulting in more gun crime. Gun crime is rare enough in the UK for there to be armed response units to deal with it, and that's fine. Does it always work? Nope. But, to me, it's better than the alternative.

Apologies if you thought I was being arsey :)
How is it racism when it's blacks specifically targetting white people?

It's pretty disgustingly racist to hack someones head off in broad daylight.

Did I say it wasn't? I've just spent the last 10 minutes reading that they aren't suprised that it was dirty brown muslims or something along those lines.

Wohoo! 'Racist Racist Racist' has arrived! :D

I don't particularly care what you've seen in your time living in woolwich, it does not give you the right to use someone's skin colour or religion to predetermine their or their peoples' guilt. I live in Eltham and the only real crimes I've seen have been by white men.
i think shayper is just saying that the people who are supporting "whites" go down there tonight to take vengeance on innocent people are being the racists and i agree tbh.
Oh noes guyz, almighty and all knowing shayper doesn't approve, change your tone!

Such a mature and well thought out response. How about you actually explain your point of view rather than act like a 13 year old.

A poor guy is dead by some terrorists(say the gov) and you moan about "racism and xenophobia"

Missing the point. There are a lot of people in the thread who immediately stated making sweeping generalisations. Which is just wrong.
How very surreal. I'm not saying it would necessarily have been a good idea but it seems very strange that no-one at all tried to help the guy who was butchered.
I don't particularly care what you've seen in your time living in woolwich, it does not give you the right to use someone's skin colour or religion to predetermine their or their peoples' guilt. I live in Eltham and the only real crimes I've seen have been by white men.

I haven't :confused:

I made the statement that it's stupid to tar a whole race/culture because of two nutters. Scroll up and read it. To me it seems obviously stupid to do so. Yet some people seem to have a stick up their arse the moment 'black, ethnic or Islam' is mentioned. As if it's holy territory.
Another victory for the Londonistan policy - if we let them into our country they won't attack us.

Let me predict how this will end, the two shot terrorists (if they survive) will get a meaningless life sentence, live the life of Riley in prison while converting more people to Islam. The Army will surrender and close the barracks in Woolwich to avoid offending the local community any further.
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