Work toilet seat pre-heated

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Do you think only your backside sits on a toilet? :p If it looks disgusting best to avoid.. but really you're moaning about it being warm from the last person? what has the world come to! Wasnt there a study saying theres more germs and nasties on a computer keyboard than on a toilet seat? or did i imagine it :p
Not one for stating the obvious but when you've got to go you really have no choice other than to just go, seat warm or cold when mr turtle is poking his head out you can't be too fussy.
One ex girlfriend never bothered to check before sitting down on a toilet seat at a butlin's public loo.

Won't go into detail but she came out walking funny and had to take her jeans to the laundry and have a shower.
One rule ive always had is never have a crap at work so ive never sat on a work toilet.

Can't beat getting paid to do a poo on work time. OT: I also donate blood on work time too :)

Also water splashing back up to your bum crack.

Or right up your jaxie if you've just laid a chopper. If it's a hot one it can have a cooling effect.

Whats worse is going into a toilet and finding the lazy bugger before you didnt flush the loo. Cant sit on a bog with some other persons poo staring up at you :(

This is disgusting. Someone at work here does it. Looks like total sewage and not even the suggestion of a wipe as it's literally just **** and **** in the bowl, no paper (often a mr whippy which would require excessive wiping and probably flossing too)

I saw something that looked like a mixture of spag bol and ketchup in a toilet in London once. I do hope that particular individual took themself to hospital.

Edit: I don't mind a warm seat (as long as it doesn;t pong in there still) though would prefer one that's cold. Preferably without pubes or dangleberries.
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You're only sitting on it. It's not like you're licking it or eating your dinner off it!
Just dump out, give yourself a thumbs-up for getting paid for it and (sorry can't resist) crack on!
I've scouted out the cleanest, comfiest and quietest toilets in our building. I'm currently using a lovely loo a mere five floors below where I work.
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