Whats wrong with them getting it?
I think they benefit from it more then we do.
Don't criticize what you don't understand
I think we didn't have as much of a chance as Russia from the off, Quatar took me a little by surprise.
I wouldn't be too shocked to see China or India get it soon after. FIFA seem to be set on taking the World Cup to countries that need the boost and it will help develope football in that part of the World.
How do they benefit from it though?
Despite what the media and people like to claim the World Cup, much like the Olympics leaves no legacy, except for a lot of very expensive and in footballing backwaters empty stadiums.
In SA Soccer city has been full once or twice at most since the WC but is the only one likely to get anything plus it costs £250,000 a month to run, in Rand that is an enormous amount of money. Most of the other stadiums will simply not be used, you'd get more people at an Aldershot game than you will at most SA club games, except for Kaiser chiefs, even the Rugby teams, which is probably more popular in SA than football are turning the stadiums down, and they are too small for cricket which would have more chance of filling them.
Brazil will be very similar, where 3 of the stadiums are being built the cities do not have a football club in the top 3 tiers of Brazilian football, how in the name of christ are they going to find a use for 3 40,000 minimum capacity stadiums for teams that are comparable to Steins town in size and fan base ?
The legacy of the world cup even in larger footballing nations in questionable, Juventus have decreased their stadium capacity over recent years as they simply could fill the 70,000 odd ground that they had built for the WC, and they are one of the footballing powerhouses of Europe.
The legacy in Russia will be highly questionable, was listening to a russian Journalist on the radio yesterday, the anticipated costs of the WC to Russia should be about 50 odd billion, with all the infrastructure improvements they are planning, however most within Russia are expecting this to go up into the hundreds of billions when all the inevitable embezzlement, that comes with particularly the construction industry in Russia is taken into account, how is a massive black hole in a countries finances a legacy that FIFA can be proud of? The fallacy that a world cup makes money for anyone bar FIFA is quite funny really.
The main consideration when awarding a world cup should be football, I can even see a case for Russia to get it for footballing reasons as their clubs are becoming more and more influential in European football, however they are all basically Man City, they don't make much money on their own, playing in a league which is about as popular as league 1 football (maybe league 1 should bid in 2030, as it seems that if you get crap attendances you are more likely to get the world cup) but in footballing terms really it should have been largely a race between us and Spain (who are equally as angry as we are) with Holland/Belgium being an alternative choice. If football is not popular enough to get more than 12,500 average attendance at your top level i can't quite see how hosting a world cup that costs a bomb is going to make football suddenly popular to the level required to make the stadiums viable. Most will end up being as big a waste of time as Darlingtons 20,000 stadium currently gracing the conference.
Qatar is quite simply a joke, i admire that ambition of the bid and in a political sense it makes a lot of sense to let them have it as it's yet another way for the west to encourage the oil rich nations of the middle east to **** a huge amount of money away on completely irrelevant things so when the oil runs out nobody will give a toss when we just tell them to sod off as they have spent the huge amounts of money that they have on pointless things like race tracks, rather than spending it on their country to make them of use to the west for anything other than the finite amount of oil they have.
If the legacy thing was anything other than a load of drivel then i could accept both decisions, as it is i can accept the choice of russia to an extent but Qatar is nothing short of comical.