What is Mists of Pandaria?
The goal is to combine new gameplay with most fun parts of the past. - vague but okay
The plan is to get people back into the world, instead of having players roam around Stormwind and Orgrimmar all the time once they reach max level. - really want to see them succeed in that
Developers want you to do what you want to do to progress your character. They really want you to feel like you have a menu of content where you can pick whatever you want to do, and you shouldn't feel forced to do something to progress your character. For example, daily quests will reward you with valor points but it will still be faster if you raid of course. - a nod to casual players complaining their lives were too hard in Cata? More options is always good though.
Character builds are going to be entirely revamped. Talents were still too cookie cutter, so the developers want to give players more choices in their talents. - once more re learning your class, joy
5 New leveling zones to explore
Single, unified continent
Influenced by Asian landscapes
AH, Bank, and Central Questing Hub
No flying until max level
Lore of Pandaria
A long, storied history.
Magically hidden since The Sundering
A new land to explore....
Pandaria was discovered during the cataclysm, a naval battle between horde and alliance was taking place close to it.
Pandaren starting zone
It's a turtle! It left Pandaria 10 000 years ago and never came back. Pandarens who wanted to discover the world left on that turtle.
Story focused with simple mechanics
Cross faction, choose Horde/Alliance at level 10.
Creatures of Pandaria
The Jinyu are fish-like creatures and will be in a wide number of zones.
The Hozu are a monkey-like race, they stand up on their legs and can walk around. They play tons of pranks on the local pandarens and are also in a lot of zones.
Verming are ... new kobolds, they kinda look like evil bunnies.