***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Huh? You pick the quest up slightly further up the road from where the quest then asks you to go to. I dropped it and picked it back up about 6 times yesterday before it actually worked.

My map shows "!" where the quest should be picked up but the NPC is not there - I youtubed it. I currently have no other quests I can pick up in Spires of Arak.

This is a instancing issue as I have previously said, Leave the area completely and then come back. To see if you are stuck in a instance load try dismounting and see if you still run at mounted speed.
Ah that's not good. Markeh got one started on Silvermoon like, but I'm just not willing to queue for 3 hours to get on. Quite happy on a medium pop realm.

Theres a few of us from the old Overachievers Ocuk guild on Chamber of Aspects in a horde guild called Assassin Nation, plenty of banter on TS and a good few forums members.

Guild is social/friendly, aint gonna be kickin people away because they are not ready for mythics :p
This is a instancing issue as I have previously said, Leave the area completely and then come back. To see if you are stuck in a instance load try dismounting and see if you still run at mounted speed.

It's been a few days so I've changed zones, logged off and on and even closed and restarted the game.

I don't think it's just me as I've seen a few people wander in, look around and then leave again.

I can't help but think I'm being a bit cruel to my followers:

"Ner'zhul was my husband, I shall help you stop his madness" - Groovy, get in the forge!

"I pledge my blade to help you hero" - Fantastic, to the mine with you!

It's been a few days so I've changed zones, logged off and on and even closed and restarted the game.

I don't think it's just me as I've seen a few people wander in, look around and then leave again.


I had this issue yesterday, If you go to the area and there are mobs there but no people to continue the quest, Drop the quest and go pick it back up. It failed to put you in the instance zone so wont try again. When you pick it back up, go back to the area marked on the map and it will try and instance you again. If successful you will see a war zone and the quest will update. If nothing drop it and try again.
Theres a few of us from the old Overachievers Ocuk guild on Chamber of Aspects in a horde guild called Assassin Nation, plenty of banter on TS and a good few forums members.

Any room for a social spot and if so who do I whisper? Or would I need to put in a formal application?
Theres a few of us from the old Overachievers Ocuk guild on Chamber of Aspects in a horde guild called Assassin Nation, plenty of banter on TS and a good few forums members.

Guild is social/friendly, aint gonna be kickin people away because they are not ready for mythics :p

Ah sound, had a good laugh in Overachievers till it died. Still in the chat group on my hunter!

You guys looking to do normal/heroic raids or anything later on?
God, what is it about this game!? The graphics are clean and well made but the fidelity is appalling, the combat is even worse............... YET I can't stop bloody playing it. It's my second time back and I've always "disliked" WoW yet I'm addicted again.

nah mate just do a /who Assassin Nation and you should get an invite from whoever is on, my toon online atm is called Rylynn

Ooh I might give someone a shout later this evening. Just hit 100 last night so will be looking for some banter now the levelling is out the way and I settle into grind mode.
they area nice bunch, im not sure what their intentions are raid wise but last expansion they were doing flex and normals, so id imagine Normal/Heroic this time.
Ahh okay.

Everything id down tonight: instances cannot be launched, quest objectives are being recognised, garrisons are broken again and trapping my characters that were logged out in them.

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