***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Can rare spawns be killed more than once for loot? An item I want has a 30% drop chance from a rare spawn but I keep hearing they can only be killed once, so if it doesn't drop then it's not possible to get.
Tried to do MC40 LFR last night bu it's broken, the thing hat stops inviting new people after every boss is dead is not working so you get invited to a dead raid, but before everyone can see his and leave it refills the raid to max again, this carries on forever and LFR is full of dead raids like this :(
I hope not, I have still been having major trouble getting into the game. My character was in my garrison and every time I log in I instantly get booted out or get a message that the world server is down :(

You need to raise a customer support ticket and they'll move your character out of your garrison. I don't know how long they're taking to get round to these requests though.
It really depends what you want to do Arknor.

Druid is OK as far as tanks go but is fairly boring to play at the moment, If the forums are to be believed its Kitty dps has upwards of 50% downtime during fights so is insanely boring to play.

Paladins are good all around

Warlocks aren't quite the power houses they used to be but are still good.

Hunters are dull

Mage is pretty good as well.

I assume it is a dps class you want.

Argh this post worries me. Was thinking of making a come back. My mains a 87 Warlock and was thinking of making a hunter with the scroll!

Warlocks abit naff now?

Also haven't seen any talk about new skills for the extra 10 levels?
I remember getting stuck mining nodes around Ironforge. Destruction Warlock is not great to play any more, in PVP you are a stationery turret with nothing to combat melee with. In PVE you are ok as long as you don't have to move. Not sure about other specs.
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