***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Are you sure you dont have stuff in your bags? this would be the only reason.

I took all my gear off to put it back on and realised I could no longer equip my alchemy trinket oops
swapped to tailoring before I logged off last night

I guess the website was counting it but the game no longer was even though it let me keep it equipped.
gotta get better gear in a bunch of slots anyway so not like I'm in a rush to do heroics
when the time comes which heroics are the easiest?
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Any other hunters able to give a bit of advice on best shot rotation/priority for Thrill of the Hunt procs? I decided to switch from Dire Beast to TotH last night and give it a test in the MC run I did, I was under the impression that the best course of action would be to spam Aimed Shot on the proc (weave in Chimera when off CD), but it seemed as if my DPS was lower than previously and my Skada back up my assumption. After running half the raid this way I switchd back to DB and my dps noticably increased (felt more natural too), so basically, any advice? Am I wrong in my shot usage? Noy sure if Im getting tunnel vision on Aimed Shot spam and ignore other abilities when they are off CD, but after a bit of reading it seems as if AS spam is the way to go with TotH procs...?!?!

Anyone experiencing strange fps spikes using a 7950 card? Not sure if it's the game or my drivers. I know when MoP came out it was behaving similar to this.
Finally managed to get my copy of WOD working after hours and hours of wrestling with Battle.Net that kept wanting to charge me $20 for WOD after I already bought it.

Spent a good hour agonizing in decision of which class to insta-level to 90 and settled on a good old trusty paladin. Can tank, dps and heal. Was between that and a druid but played a druid for so long that I'm bored of it.
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