***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Listening to a podcast at work and this is now apparently the longest amount of time since WoW started that we've had no new content (live, ptr and expansion beta)..
Latest info via Warlords of Draenor - Developer Interviews:
Level 90 Boost and Proving Grounds
You won't be able to queue for Heroic Dungeons or LFR until you have a certain level of Proving Ground achievements.
In a patch after release, Proving Grounds will be made to do a better job of telling you what you are doing wrong, rather than just being a test.
Players that don't have Proving Ground achievements will still be able to go into normal dungeons.

The Jade Forest quests had a very clear story, but it also had a lot of side quests that could bog you down.
In Warlords of Draenor, your map will show you where to go to continue the main storyline, along with the locations of bonus objectives.
The bonus objectives no longer have any story text that go with them, just a list of objectives. Now when there is quest text, you will know that it is really worth reading.

After rescuing members of the Frostwolf Clan in the Warlords intro quest experience, Durotan will give you a plot of land. This is where you start building your garrison.
After you complete their quests, some questgivers will be available for you to recruit as a follower for your garrison.
You will be redirected to your garrison frequently throughout the leveling experience, as it is integrated into the zones and leveling experience. Every time you go back, you will see familiar faces from your questlines.
Garrisons offer lots of hard choices that give you nice rewards, such as the buildings you choose for your limited plots. Buildings and followers aren't a permanent choice though, so if you change your mind you can change things out.
As you go out and adventure in the world and irritate the enemies in Draenor, they will attack your garrison. You and your followers will need to fend off these attacks.

Ashran will have a big central battle that is pushing towards the other faction's base.
Around the outer edges of Ashran you can find some rares and other things similar to Timeless Isle, with greater rewards to be found on the opposite faction's side of the zone.

There are a lot of advantages to having a realm community, so there aren't any plans to allow players to join guilds on any realm.
When you log in to Warlords of Draenor, you should be able to play with your friends. Allowing cross realm raiding and the changes to raid locks are one way the team is working towards this goal.
The team is still talking about a good reward system for completing older content with scaling, but there aren't any announcements for now. The Level 90 boost allows you to play with your friends without needing to level through the older dungeons now, making it less urgent.
This little snippet is outstanding though, lazy ****ers cant even be bothered to knock out quest text now..

In Warlords of Draenor, your map will show you where to go to continue the main storyline, along with the locations of bonus objectives. The bonus objectives no longer have any story text that go with them, just a list of objectives.
Latest info via Warlords of Draenor - Developer Interviews:
This little snippet is outstanding though, lazy ****ers cant even be bothered to knock out quest text now..

In Warlords of Draenor, your map will show you where to go to continue the main storyline, along with the locations of bonus objectives. The bonus objectives no longer have any story text that go with them, just a list of objectives.

I can't remember the last time I took the time to read quest text anyway
Don't think I've ever read the quest text either. I never did buy into the 'lore' as it always just felt amateurish and made up (I'm aware all fiction is made up but good fiction makes you suspend belief).

For the expansion, I've read through all the alpha patch notes and changes coming and it's all a bit meh for me. The removal of ability bloat seems very limited and I still foresee needing 20 keybinds or more just to do the basics. Each class I've loved had had the reason I loved it taken away (pally holy light spam with beacon in wotlk, mage mobile fireball cannon in TBC) in the efforts to make every class the same beautiful ********* or introduce extra abilities in your rotation.

So I was hoping to love what they're doing with the new expansion, but I'm not seeing it. My play time is limited so I can see myself doing the same old routine of logging in, queuing for a dungeon, lining up the twenty daily-quests-that-we've-tried-to-disguise-as-something-other-than-lack-of-content, then thinking about levelling another class, then getting bored and unsubbing after three months.

No doubt I'll give it a punt but I'm not especially hopeful about getting any long term enjoyment out of it again.
the new tier sets are starting to be datamined from the alpha files, have to admit im liking the longer style belt, if you head over to mmo champ you can see the model viewer versions as the animations look great

T17 Warrior

T17 Paladin

Also looks like LFR may not have tier sets anymore instead offering a generic MAIL, PLATE, LEATHER, CLOTH set, although this could be for the initial teir which may not drop tier gear. If you think back to the launch of Mop tier sets didnt drop until the 2nd raid Heart of Fear
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Are Scenarios going to play a big part in Warlords of Draenor? I really hope not as don't like them at all... I've just paid for 30 days gameplay and really miss doing dungeons, I can't believe there have been no new dungeons in MOP :(

Actually, the better question would be.. is there any further news if dungeons will return in Warlords of Draenor and actually be supported throughout the expansion ?
I wish the tier token system would change as my rogue is the only one of my lv 90s who actually has any of the latest tier (2 set). Due to how completely random the drop chance is, especially in LFR, I'd rather it was a 50% drop chance, but make the hand in a quest were you need to farm other mats also before you can collect your tier loot. Example being you need some oil for the armour, so catch 40 fish, then you also need a soul of the same enemy class, to push more players into pvp.
Are Scenarios going to play a big part in Warlords of Draenor? I really hope not as don't like them at all... I've just paid for 30 days gameplay and really miss doing dungeons, I can't believe there have been no new dungeons in MOP :(

Actually, the better question would be.. is there any further news if dungeons will return in Warlords of Draenor and actually be supported throughout the expansion ?

To answer my own question (good stuff that google thing..) :


Bloodmaul **** Mines
Blackrock Depot
Arakkoa Spires
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
Iron Barracks
Returning - Upper Blackrock Spire
We’ll be introducing six new dungeons and bringing back a classic: Upper Blackrock Spire. This dungeon will play a prominent role in the Warlords of Draenor storyline, and we’re excited for people to experience this beloved old dungeon in an entirely new context.

We’re also looking to get back to the roots of dungeon content this expansion, and ensuring that they’re not only a significant part of the leveling and story experience as they always have been, but that they also play their part in helping you gear up and get ready for raiding. To that end we’re going to bring back max-level “Normal” dungeons, which—along with Scenarios—will help bridge the gap between level-up quest gear and Heroic dungeons. As Heroics won’t be the first thing you jump into at level 100, it also gives us some room to make Heroic dungeon content a bit more difficult.

We’re also planning our content schedule to include additional max-level Heroic dungeons beyond the initial expansion release. One thing we heard from players during Mists of Pandaria was that they missed having new dungeon content later in the expansion, and our plan is to get back to that and adding new dungeon content beyond the initial expansion release.

Last but not least, players looking for the ultimate challenge will be able to test their skill in time-trial Challenge Modes for most of the dungeons.

So yeah good news :) so time to pre-order and get my free 90 boost!
they better change UBRS big style as its horrible waste of time in its current form, its actually the level range that i avoid LFD groups when levelling
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