***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Its no different to the scroll of resurection or the refer a friend boosts imo, they 've just added a $ figure to it - it could be argued that they will drive the more illegal boosting services out of business with this move.
Things is this move looks one step closer to pay to win.

I'll probably be shouted down but it started with faction xfer, then race change, then pets, then mounts, now boost... It's clear the direction it is moving in and I would not be greatly shocked to see gear in there.

I really think the next addition will be a "starter raiders kit" or some such which gets you entry level gear into raids to go along with your freshly minted 90.
well they have xp pots and other items of the same flavor on the Asian cash shop (I think they used to have gear and weapons purchasable in the chinese verision too).

Stand by it but the GW2 shop is what MMO's need to copy.
Its no different to the scroll of resurection or the refer a friend boosts imo, they 've just added a $ figure to it - it could be argued that they will drive the more illegal boosting services out of business with this move.

Well it is - the SOR is more like lowering the quest requirements to each level, but they're still there. You still have to go out, actually do the quests (admittedly less of them) and learn the class.

Plus (arguably) the SOR is free.

If Blizzard want to do this route I'd rather see things like a paid for XP doubler for 24 hours or paid coins that give you a extra loot from an instance.
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Well it is - the SOR is more like lowering the quest requirements to each level, but they're still there. You still have to go out, actually do the quests (admittedly less of them) and learn the class.

Plus (arguably) the SOR is free.

If Blizzard want to do this route I'd rather see things like a paid for XP doubler for 24 hours or paid coins that give you a extra loot from an instance.

SoR had a free boost to 80, not much difference there, or is it because you have to spend you're own money?
Things is this move looks one step closer to pay to win.

I'll probably be shouted down but it started with faction xfer, then race change, then pets, then mounts, now boost... It's clear the direction it is moving in and I would not be greatly shocked to see gear in there.

I really think the next addition will be a "starter raiders kit" or some such which gets you entry level gear into raids to go along with your freshly minted 90.

Screen shot that now :D
I agree with both sides of the argument if i am honest

back 10 years ago when wow 1st come to the scene it probably wasnt possibly to implement all this into the game.

I think the game has evolved ok, dont get me wrong i hated Cata but been enjoying MoP.

For comments about Timeless Isle i not sure i agree with the Free loot is bad, this sort of happens every XPac does it not they just honned it to allow you to give loot to your alts etc, i mean what is 496 gear. You still have to farm the Burdens of Eternity for the 535 gear. To be fair my main toon is sitting at 572 Item level so i am not really fussed about Timeless Isle epics.

My only concern at present is my guild has stopped raiding and i might be at the point where i got to look elsewhere but ill wait and see how it pans out when Expansion comes out.

Ill use my Level Boost for a Horde char i got on my old server that died a death Ali side after having a top 10 guild in Europe on it when i used to play there but they dispanded and went Horde.....

I am 36 years old now and should probably be out the catchment area of WOW but if i am raiding and having a bit of banter with my guildies then all well and good in my World of Warcraft :D
Ralph, gaming is about fun, if your having fun, then keep doing it. No ones opinion should matter in this case, unless you find fun in weird questionable stuff.

This is the number 1 problem with gaming at the moment, people play games because they feel they have too, not because they want too. MMOs are the biggest area for this problem, soon as a new MMO comes out people feel like they have to pay for it and get upset about aspects of the game they don't like. But they don't realize they have a choice to just not play it.

If people find fun in something, keep doing that something, but if you don't find enjoyment, don't keep doing it.
I've cancelled my subs again, I just don't see the point of possibly paying them another 10 months of £8.99 for no new content.

Adding in the following:

Expansion Very poor story line even more pointless than MoP (Even Metzen was struggling at Blizzcon)
Lacking interesting features, new class or race
Expansion is more expensive
Casual damaging Healing changes (Yeah I'm casual these days)
Dumbing down of stats and previously talent trees

I just don't know if I want to come back for this one, if the Burning legion come back midway through I might buy it.

Until then I might try another MMO or go without (Scary lol)
I know its about Fun LateX'Dog which i was having to last week or so when we havnt raided for a few weeks, was progressing nicely in Hc modes9 or something, Main Tank got a job and other not turning up so looks like ill be bored till WoD :( I fully agree with you about new MMOs as well, people HAVE to play them then get bored.

I do agree with Defiant306 sort of, does seem a waste to wait 10 months for new content, cant agree though on the Poor Story Line in MoP,

I havnt got bored at all till recently but i think if you not end game raiding then maybe you do find it boring? But i am also semi casual/raiding guild, we raid 3 times a week.

Not sure we need "another" new class or race, sort of sums up the problem with peoples attitude to WOW now, in guises they want Old school then need a new race to keep people happy?

Prices have to go up, costs have to go up, the content needs to last 2 years otherwise people will then moan oh your milking it now? XPAC every year etc etc, i am sure i paid £50 for Digital Duluxe version ?

I dont think the Healing has been damaging, i have raided healing for 7 years, every Xpac early raids have been more harder cause lack of stats, way i see it is Blizz trying to stop that, i can pretty much Mana oom now and get back to full 300k it was never like that in TBC ?

Talent trees is an interesting shout as i was the 1st to say why, i think the biggest problem i have is the combining of class specific spells like Kings or Might as a pala which every other class can do now.

I personally think that they had to Dumb down spells otherwise we are going to get to some very silly number soon, i mean 1 Billion HP really ?

I think this is the problem with WOW blizz trying to beat it and nobody is happy :D

ill try find the post in the MOP topic and post it for you Woogie
Thanks to Newbie007 for post

Player Health and Resilience
In the next expansion, we’re planning several interconnected changes designed to provide better-tuned gameplay for healers and improve the healing dynamic in PvP.

The high amount of base Resilience and Battle Fatigue in Mists of Pandaria currently causes characters to feel much weaker in PvP than they do in PvE. To address this disparity, we’re approaching Warlords of Draenor with the goal of shrinking that gap as much as possible. To reduce dependence on Resilience, we needed to increase player survivability against other players, and we chose to do this by essentially doubling (post-squish) player health.

On its own, that increase in health would make players more survivable in the world at large, so we’re also increasing creature damage and the effectiveness of healing spells to balance things out. The net result of these changes is that individual attacks will knock a smaller chunk off of a player’s health pool in PvP, but your survivability in PvE won’t be affected.

Doubling player health gave us room to reduce Resilience and Battle Fatigue, but our goal was to be able to remove them entirely. In order to achieve that, we’re also reducing PvP spike damage across the board by lowering Critical Damage and Critical Heals against players in PvP to 150% of their normal effect (down from 200%).

Our hope is that these changes allow us to reduce Base Resilience and Battle Fatigue to 0%. It’s possible that we’ll still find a need for some minor amount of Base Resilience and/or Battle Fatigue, and we’ll be testing these changes extensively and adjusting as needed.
Retuning Healing Spells
One of our goals for healing in Warlords of Draenor is to tone down the raw throughput of healers relative to the size of player health pools. Currently, as healers and their allies acquire better and better gear, the percentage of a player’s health that any given heal restores increases significantly. As a result, healers are able to refill health bars so fast that we have to make damage more and more “bursty” in order to challenge them. Ideally, we want players to spend some time below full health without having healers feel like the players they’re responsible for are in danger of dying at any moment. We also think that healer gameplay would be more varied, interesting, and skillful if your allies spent more time between 0% and 100%, rather than just getting damaged quickly to low health, forcing the healer to then scramble to get them back to 100% as quickly as possible.

To that end, we’re buffing heals less than we’re increasing creature damage. Heals will be deliberately less potent compared to health pools than before the item squish. Additionally, as gear improves, the scaling rates of health and healing will now be very similar, so the relative power of any given healing spell shouldn’t climb so much over the course of this expansion. For those concerned about what this means for raiding, don’t worry—we’re taking all of these changes into account when designing Raid content for Warlords of Draenor.

It’s also important to note that spells that heal based on a percentage of maximum health are being effectively buffed by the massive increase to player health pools, so we’re lowering those percentages to offset the effect. That may make them appear to have been nerfed—however, the net result is that those percentage-based heals stay about the same as before relative to other heals.

All of these changes apply to damage-absorption shields as well. Additionally, we're toning down the power of absorbs in general. When they get too strong, absorption effects are often used in place of direct healing instead of as a way to supplement it. We will, of course, take these changes into account when tuning specializations that rely heavily on absorbs, such as Discipline Priests.

We also took a look at healing spells that were passive or auto-targeted (so-called "smart" heals).
"We want healers to care about who they're targeting and which heals they're using..."
We want healers to care about who they're targeting and which heals they're using, because that makes healer gameplay more interactive and fun. To that end, we're reducing the healing of many passive and auto-targeted heals, and making smart heals a little less smart. Smart heals will now randomly pick any injured target within range instead of always picking the most injured target. Priority will still be given to players over pets, of course.
Another of our goals for healing in this expansion is to strike a better balance between single-target and multi-target healing spells. We've taken a close look at the mana efficiency of our multi-target heals, and in many cases, we're reducing their efficiency, usually by reducing the amount they heal. Sometimes, but more rarely, raising their mana cost was a better decision. We want players to use multi-target heals, but they should only be better than their single-target equivalents when they heal more than two players without any overhealing. This way, players will face an interesting choice between whether to use a single-target heal or a multi-target heal based on the situation.

Finally, we're removing the low-throughput, low-mana-cost heals like Nourish, Holy Light, Heal, and Healing Wave, because we think that while they do add complexity, they don’t truly add depth to healing gameplay. (We’re also renaming some spells to re-use those names. For example, Greater Healing Wave is being redubbed Healing Wave.) However, we still want healers to think about their mana when deciding which heal to cast, and so the mana costs and throughputs of many spells are being altered to give players a choice between spells with lower throughput and lower cost versus spells with higher throughput and higher costs. Here are some examples from each healer class:

Druid Higher Efficiency: Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, Efflorescence
Druid Higher Throughput: Regrowth, Wild Growth

Monk Higher Efficiency: Soothing Mist, Renewing Mist
Monk Higher Throughput: Surging Mist, Spinning Crane Kick

Paladin Higher Efficiency: Holy Light, Holy Shock, Word of Glory, Light of Dawn
Paladin Higher Throughput: Flash of Light, Holy Radiance

Priest Higher Efficiency: Greater Heal, Circle of Healing, Prayer of Mending, Holy Nova (new Discipline-only version), Penance
Priest Higher Throughput: Flash Heal, Prayer of Healing

Shaman Higher Efficiency: Healing Wave, Riptide, Healing Rain
Shaman Higher Throughput: Healing Surge, Chain Heal
All of this discussion of efficiency may cause most healers to start worrying about mana regeneration and their mana pool. To allay those concerns, we’ve increased base mana regen a great deal at early gear levels, while having it scale up less at later gear levels. This will make all of these changes play well even in early content such as Heroic Dungeons and the first tier of Raid content, and also play well in the final Raid tier without mana and efficiency becoming irrelevant due to extremely high regeneration values.

That’s a lot of big changes for healers: reduced throughput, more triage, less powerful “smart” heals, weaker absorbs, fewer spells, and a new focus on efficiency decisions. We’re confident that we can apply lessons learned from previous expansions to make this the best healer experience yet: more dynamic, engaging, non-punishing, and frankly a lot more fun.
Instant-Cast Heals

Over time, healers have gained a bigger and bigger arsenal of heals that they can cast while on the move, which removes the inherent cost that movement is intended to have for them, while also limiting players’ ability to counter healing in PvP. This left silences and crowd control (which we’re trying to curb—see "Pruning the Garden of War") as the only ways to actually limit an enemy player's healing output. We're still preserving the option to instantly heal, but are reducing the number of instant-cast healing abilities overall. Here are some examples:
Wild Growth (Restoration) now has a 1.5-second cast time.
Uplift (Mistweaver) now has a 1.5-second cast time.
Eternal Flame and Word of Glory now each have a 1.5-second cast time when specced Holy.
Light of Dawn now has a 1.5-second cast time.
Cascade, Divine Star, and Halo now each have a 1.5-second cast time.
Prayer of Mending now has a 1.5-second cast time.

All of these changes taken together are intended to make gameplay more consistent between PvE and PvP, and invigorate healers with more dynamic gameplay.
I still do not see how this is the casual's fault or the damage being done. Healing is fairly boring at the best of times and will make healing harder and more active than just sitting there spamming the same heal on some moving bars to ensure the bars stay full.
Agree Woogie

Even healing heroics if players cant not stand in stuff they are going to die

You get the Mechanics of a fight right then most fights are a walk in the park.

I think 1 of my biggest problems is the LFR system, i think this has ruined raiding and or the ability to have to try a bit harder and i sort of refuse to do them unless its for something like Ledgendary cloak even then i didnt start LFR till ToT raid tier.....
First off a little bit of my background in WoW, I've managed to get half way through Naxx 40 in classic, survived 5 man heroics (lol, ;)) , cleared sunwell, all but Arthus on Heroic 10 and 25 man, found Cata impossible to play much due to ill health and work. Generally up until this day I have dipped in and out via LFR and LFG and been social in guild.

I'm not saying by view is perfect but from my experience I have seen a great many of the games angles, this game has morphed from hardcore focus to a more spread focus where differing levels of player and player time can be applied with some success. I think LFR and LFG have their places in the game, admittedly this has affected on healing and tanking as people differing skill levels need to be able to fit these rolls.

I think my skill level is not all that bad, mostly I've been DPS but I've been an off tank in main raids and main tank in off raids. What we are seeing so far with this expac is a pull back of this spread focus player skill, harder healing (Well for the sake of argument not as easy due to abilities being removed (Smart healing), no moving heals and generally being harder for less skilled players to be able to deal with or be willing (This is the important bit) to bother and instead roll dps instead.

I'm not sure what your guilds are like but the one I'm in which actively raids is pretty much dead outside of raids and guild runs for 5 mans last a very very short time at the start of expansions. You might ask why does this matter, well...

This all impacts on LFG and LFR, less player’s stream in, equals more rerolling DPS rather than deal with more complex/inflexible healing. I think we will see a shortage of healers come this expansion. Between no flying mounts AT ALL (Recent interview has strongly hinted they are NOT going to add them in this expansion at all), basic trial requirements, harder healing and now harder 5 man dungeons (I know I know if your have done TBC or Cata start they will still be a joke) we will see the bottom of the player ladder for these actives fall away or DPS’ers increase so greatly that it impacts on the larger numbers of the player base that are at the bottom levels of skill.

I'm sorry but I have no interest in waiting for in excess of 30 minutes for a LFG and do not think server trade chat pug spam will come back in any meaningful way to compensate for this issue.


The Warcraft world is a deep and complex story, I've read just about every book and Comic/manga I can get my hands on as I’ve been a fan of this franchise since I was a teen (A fair time ago :D).
The Cataclysm expansion was on the border and the story overall was fine until the shambles that was the whole killing of Deathwing, that to me took the cake.
Moving on to Mists of Pandaria, this is a pure filler expansion and it has no meaningful reason to exist in the greater Warcraft story which was never about this. Panda’s were a bit of a **** take by Metzen in WC3. I'm kind of sick of the fact that Wrath never truely wrapped up northread and the fact that the Burning Legion (Only the biggest badest protagonist in this overall story) has been side swiped and marginalised in not one but TWO expansions for what now is this hunk of junk sorry an excuse expac story where even Metzen had a hard time keeping a straight face and an inability to say that it WAS time travel but it wasn't as it won’t effect our world...

Sorry does that mean at the end of this we all loss our gear, weapons and stuff when this expansion is all done? I truly think Blizzard have gone off the rails on this one and I’m not the only one by far who thinks this.

Between buying characters, mounts, pets and the plethora of basic character and server services they provide (which is a god damn ripe off for the amount) I feel WoW is now about milking its user base rather than providing a grade AAA Game with epic story that they can all be paid a good amount for.

I’m sorry if that was a long rant but it’s been getting on my goat for few years now! :D:D:D
I am fuming that they have removed the "Realm first level 100" etc. achievements in WoD. My favourite part of the expansion is the leveling race.

I got a response on Twitter from a Dev. saying they were doing what was "best for the game as a holistic entity"... wat? This whole ethos of them wanting you to "see more content" etc.. then they go an add in a level 90 boost, free with the new expansion. I don't get it. There are so many little gripes I have with the game now that it pains me to write them all down as I really loved this game in it's hayday. I still have an active subscription, but not in any rush to buy the expansion.

I'm sorry but when I log in to play now, I feel like I'm playing an excel spreadsheet. Menus to go to raid, menus to look for a bg, menus to port to an instance, etc...
I’m sorry if that was a long rant but it’s been getting on my goat for few years now! :D:D:D

I prehaps then dont come from the same backgroud as you or dont have the time on my hands to be that into the whole Lore :p I for that reason probably enjoyed the MoP expansion, i thought the content was good compared to Cata anyway, Blizz will never win, on 1 hand they got moaned at in TBC for the rep grind then introduced Tabards which made rep grinding stupid as there was no sense of achievment, took them away in MoP and got moaned at again, i really think they are probably catering now for the casual player to keep him happy with easy loot and LFR etc, also bringing in Flex wasnt my ideal but it serves a purpose for the causal raider. This is something i am not, a casual raider. So they generate HC modes for the people like me.

Take you back to my 1st raiding experience in TBC, Kara SSC Maggy Gruel, i never got Maggy down untill well into Tier 6 cause i wasnt in a guild that had the ability to do it which made it hard put you got that sense of achievment, i will never forget the relief at getting Gruel down. I then joined a more complex raiding team and we started BT raiding then they updated all the stats and made it easy like they do most of the time just before an Xpac
I see what your saying i do.

Question, if they had kept the game as it was back when i started, i dinged 60 1 week before TBC do you think the game would have died on its behindby now ?

I am fuming that they have removed the "Realm first level 100" etc. achievements in WoD. My favourite part of the expansion is the leveling race.

I got a response on Twitter from a Dev. saying they were doing what was "best for the game as a holistic entity"... wat? This whole ethos of them wanting you to "see more content" etc.. then they go an add in a level 90 boost, free with the new expansion. I don't get it. There are so many little gripes I have with the game now that it pains me to write them all down as I really loved this game in it's hayday. I still have an active subscription, but not in any rush to buy the expansion.

I'm sorry but when I log in to play now, I feel like I'm playing an excel spreadsheet. Menus to go to raid, menus to look for a bg, menus to port to an instance, etc...

I very much agree with you on the whole portal to things, its a joke

But would the people who used to play still play and would the game be running if they hadnt introduced it ?

the fact of the matter is whilst people are talking about it and playing it Blizz have to keep the masses happy, problem is it has annoyed the older school players
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