***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Know of any decent guilds recruiting rogues? 666 ilevel atm.

Nah. My guild needs people but it's mega casual. I pretty much PUG groups every week except for 6/7 normal :D. I've done 7/7 normal and HC and Mythic Kargath.

Rogue is one of those classes which doesn't seem to be in many groups that I'm in... my mate informs me they're very good in the right hands though.
Nah. My guild needs people but it's mega casual. I pretty much PUG groups every week except for 6/7 normal :D. I've done 7/7 normal and HC and Mythic Kargath.

Rogue is one of those classes which doesn't seem to be in many groups that I'm in... my mate informs me they're very good in the right hands though.

I've done 6/7 NM and HC but always wiped on imperator due to having crap groups. I've not looted the dagger from highmaul yet so sub spec (for single target) is sadly out of reach, but on fights like brackenspore, tectus and twins my dps is really nice.

I joined a mythic kargath group on my priest and it was bloody awful lol. Very simple fight, easy to dodge most of the damaging abilites, especially with competent paladins, but people not moving to fire on the tiger fixate etc just made it a comedy group instead of a serious raid to kill it :(
I've done 6/7 NM and HC but always wiped on imperator due to having crap groups. I've not looted the dagger from highmaul yet so sub spec (for single target) is sadly out of reach, but on fights like brackenspore, tectus and twins my dps is really nice.

I joined a mythic kargath group on my priest and it was bloody awful lol. Very simple fight, easy to dodge most of the damaging abilites, especially with competent paladins, but people not moving to fire on the tiger fixate etc just made it a comedy group instead of a serious raid to kill it :(

Yeah Imperator is one of those fights you can't really carry dribblers on it. Especially on HC. Though my HC kill was cleaner than my normal kill this week :/.

Yeah we two shotted Mythic Kargath it was a piece of cake. I was like bottom on damage taken which I was very proud of :D. Only got hit by two of the things fired out by the fire turrets and that was mainly because I was saving someone else.

(I'm a holy Pala)
Had a bash on a raid with a few friends over the weekend, pretty fun.

What kind of single target DPS is expected for mythic (fury war)? (I'll have to pug due to guild being behind), as HC isn't as hard as I'd have hoped.
HC 5/7 is face roll really. But Ko'ragh and Imperator are a challenge. If you've not done HC Imperator then that should fulfil your difficulty needs. It's not hard in terms of complications. More just the insta kill (or close to it) mechanics if you mess up. Going on a mine. Being too close to the rooted Mark of Chaos tank. Being in the group when fixated. Being too close to people at the end when Force Nova hits. All of those with either directly or indirectly kill you. Even if you survive you're going to cause a lot of mana to be chunked to keep you alive.

Mythic Kargath is a piece of cake. You don't really have to do anything different to HC. Just move out the fire which gets spewed by the pillars and run the cats into the flames. Some people 'tank' the berserker rush with cooldowns but we didn't bother.

Also bear in mind that once you kill the trash at Kargath you become locked for the week so you'll have to either just do that boss once a week or raid with the same 20 people in that PUG for other boss attempts.
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Dude, do some heroics!

Trying to get into a raid with an iLvl of 615 is the absolute definition of being boosted/carried :D

This tbf :p get into HC's and LFR

I'm sitting at 650ilvl and need to start raiding, just cant find anyone to raid with on shadowsong, theres only me and a few mates playing :(

I think the only other thing I can do is perhaps upgrade a crafted neck/ring.
Other than that Im kinda stuck
This tbf :p get into HC's and LFR

I'm sitting at 650ilvl and need to start raiding, just cant find anyone to raid with on shadowsong, theres only me and a few mates playing :(

I think the only other thing I can do is perhaps upgrade a crafted neck/ring.
Other than that Im kinda stuck

Just use the premade group finder to get in a PUG. Most PUGs do at 6/7 normal and 5/7 HC very easily. Then just find a better group to do the remaining bosses.

I've fully geared up doing this to the point where I now only need drops from Mythic bosses and Imperator HC.

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Must admit, I’m getting a tad disheartened with the game at the moment having previously thoroughly enjoyed it. The problem I have is that other than Imperator which I haven’t even attempted is that I can clear normal without too much hassle depending on the group I’m with but other than kargath which I’ve taken down a few times, i just cant do heroic, my dps is never good enough and just get kicked. I’ve read through icy veins etc but still seem to be seriously lacking.

It means though that on a Wednesday night i’ll get through normal or most of it then i’ll have little to do for another week other than keeping on top of garrison and apexis dailys.

Am I missing anything fundamental? Was going to spend some time doing old content for a change of scenery till the next raid comes out, but being limited to normal due to my seemingly lack of skill seems to be leading to the game getting a bit stale.
I thought joining a guild would help but the daft thing was for the first time ever I was top of the dps chart consistently :S
Fury warrior. ilvl is 654.

Thing is my dps changes dramatically from one fight to the next. Ive seen it be just over 20k fighting kargath, yet say on tectus ive seen it drop to like 13k. Would need to do some more fights and jot them down to be accurate though.
Fury warrior. ilvl is 654.

Thing is my dps changes dramatically from one fight to the next. Ive seen it be just over 20k fighting kargath, yet say on tectus ive seen it drop to like 13k. Would need to do some more fights and jot them down to be accurate though.
If your doing 20k on kargath (which isn't bad at your ilvl) but less on other fights it seems the issue may be maintaining damage during mobile fights & not utilising talent choices per fight.

On Kargath I'm doing around 30k & 35k on tectus as fury (switching talents out for each fight for either single target or AoE).

Also if you have bad trinkets & weapons that will gimp your damage.
Fury warrior. ilvl is 654.

Thing is my dps changes dramatically from one fight to the next. Ive seen it be just over 20k fighting kargath, yet say on tectus ive seen it drop to like 13k. Would need to do some more fights and jot them down to be accurate though.

Fury is very gear and RNG dependant, very. If you aren't die hard set on fury and your using 1H's you could spec gladiator as it's better damage at lower gear levels and much less RNG dependant. Or if your using 2H's then Arms is currently the top Warrior spec, hell Arms is one of the top single target dps in the game right now, in addition to also being arguably the best Cleave dps (after the Windwalker nerfs), and 3rd best AOE dps (behind Enhance/Combat).
If it helps at all, thats my profile:


I'm not too fixated with fury, other than thats all I've ever used. Started playing just before WoD was released and not got any alts to talk about other than a few with a couple of levels from when i was deciding what to use.

My current weapons are 2h, but could craft some 1h.

Edit: If i want to keep a track of my dps etc so i can better understand where im going wrong, i assume theres specific addons for that? Ive got recount so as i can see what im doing on a specific fight. Is that all i need?
I find hte quickest way to gear nowadays is to just pvp, you can do a few BGs and Ashrans and get geared out in blues in a few hours, then go arena and swap half them blues for epics in a few more hours. Most my guildies who need to lvl a new toon when were lacking a class in a raid do the same thing.
yeah guys just go get the purple conquest gear its all 660 IL this far into the season it should give you a fair few points to catch up on, you should be able to buy 2 weapons and about 3-4 peices, with the rest blue from BGS and ashran your looking at about 640 IL without going into a single dungeon / raid
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