***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Did 4 bosses last night. They were all pretty easy on normal. We did not have a good group either. Was 2/3/7 so was a DPS down anyway and one of our hunters wasn't doing great damage. Still managed the ones we did kill pretty comfortably.
Were going straight in on heroic tonight, havent seen any fights yet, guess i better take a quick look before raid. I've heard that its a lot harder than highmaul should be fun i hope. Theres nothing like a good wipe night :)
Kind of took a break after highmaul opened so Ive only really saw some normal HM. Struggling to catch up now due to everything wanting experience when it comes to raids.
We went 4/7 HC last night (Gruul,Oremuncher,Beast Lord, Hans & Franz), spent way too much time on Oremuncher (11 pulls) and only ended up getting 2 pulls on flamebender before the night was over. One shot on Hans & Franz so was happy about that but I get the feeling the real challenge will start at the Blast Furnace onwards.

Did 7/10 normal with a PUG earlier in the day, trains, maidens and blackhand seem to destroy PUGs tho.
Yeah we got to the train boss as well, looked like doing it on our last go until a nasty train incident that left a bunch of people stuck behind a parked train when the other game flying through at the edge. Fairly straight forward otherwise, just a case of looking at what doors are open.
Feels like a couple of significantly overtuned fights in BRF at the moment, couple of heroic encounters feel more like easy Mythic than hard heroic.
Yeah few people saying that. Though until people work out exactly what to do then it is going to be artificially difficult.

HC Imp is relatively difficult (in a PUG). I did 6 Normal and 2 Heroic so far so going to get stuck into more this weekend.
Even in full Mythic gear, ilevels in the upper 680's and previous experience testing most of the fights a couple of them were brutal. The Forge boss in particular seemed like it was way over the top to expect a heroic geared group to be able to take down.
I'm kinda glad its tuned upwards, we Heroic should still be a challenge to the casual guilds for quiet some time because most of them are never going Mythic and that's all the raid content they are getting for awhile to come.

It turn's out train's on normal atleast you can kill it without doing the split tactic and just pick up one group and then the other, hope that helps someone.
Ok so I'm back :D

I've started a new character on Magtheridon, as a Panda Mage on the Horde side. Me and my mate hit 20 and got invited to what this guy described as the "most active guild on the server". We realised as soon as we joined why this was. He allows anybody and everybody to invite people :rolleyes:

Does anyone play on the Horde side on this server?
My girlfriend and I play Horde on Magtheridon. We're casual players now and just do LFR, we haven't raided properly since Burning Crusade back when Magetheridon was still a PvP realm.
Two more last night! 9/10HC, only Blackhand and Mythic Imperator awaits :)

Grats! I'm currently looking for a new guild if anyone is recruiting at all.

I have a 680 ilvl Ret Paladin, currently done 2/7 in Mythic and 4/10 in HC BRF. Not amazing, but the group has been held back by people not learning tactics and just turning up - worst thing ever.
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