***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Think I'm gonna roll back to my rogue from vanilla and play that in WOD. The removal of the hit cap will increase rogues white damage through the roof. I really like the playstyle of assassination as well, so I hope they don't destroy the fun that spec brings with 6.0 -.-
Well IGN must have had about 2 keys for this week as they were all gone within a second :(

Any chance they'll make this open to all any time soon ?
Well IGN must have had about 2 keys for this week as they were all gone within a second :(

Any chance they'll make this open to all any time soon ?


Also what isn't made clear is that you need a sub and all the expansions to be able to redeem the Ign key...

Also what isn't made clear is that you need a sub and all the expansions to be able to redeem the Ign key...

Actually I got the times muddled up, it was 10pm tonight (thought it was 9pm).. anyway I got a beta key and downloading it now :)
Anyone remember the Friends & Family beta from the Cata expansion? Shame we all lost out, my PTR account is still banned. :(

Actually was only thinking about this the other day. I wish I could get my hands on the scum that caused that, simply for the trouble it caused Neil? (I think that was his name) when he was just trying to do something decent.
I've been playing the Beta all morning and I'm not sure what to think.

I first rolled a Lvl 90 Warrior as a Tank, I was surprised by how few abilities there are now but I did a few dungeons and it was quite fun as tank. The dugeons are still pretty easy but are better then the rubbish in MOP.

Anyway I then decided to roll a lvl 100 Hunter, a class that I'd played since Vanilla.. again there was a lot less abilities but this time I really noticed and not at all impressed. I always play MM and I was setting up my abilities only to find that the got rid of scatter shot, arcane shot etc. Although the trap activate immediately it doesn't take into consideration travel time and with the lag of a beta it's a nightmare. When you do PVE there is so little to do it gets boring very quickly as a caster.

I can understand why some abilities have been removed but I think they've gone too far, I know there's a long way to go before release but a lot of broken classes from what I've seen so far :(
I've been playing the Beta all morning and I'm not sure what to think.

I first rolled a Lvl 90 Warrior as a Tank, I was surprised by how few abilities there are now but I did a few dungeons and it was quite fun as tank. The dugeons are still pretty easy but are better then the rubbish in MOP.

Anyway I then decided to roll a lvl 100 Hunter, a class that I'd played since Vanilla.. again there was a lot less abilities but this time I really noticed and not at all impressed. I always play MM and I was setting up my abilities only to find that the got rid of scatter shot, arcane shot etc. Although the trap activate immediately it doesn't take into consideration travel time and with the lag of a beta it's a nightmare. When you do PVE there is so little to do it gets boring very quickly as a caster.

I can understand why some abilities have been removed but I think they've gone too far, I know there's a long way to go before release but a lot of broken classes from what I've seen so far :(

Its no where near finished though from the streams I've watched (not played the beta myself though!)

The warriors, especially dps, have been reduced to like 3 buttons at the moment, with no rage dump. Surely they'll add either something new or a current ability back into the game to balance that.

What annoys me is that even with this stat squish thing, lv 100 players still have over 300k health. That puts them right between cata and mop in terms of gear, so hardly a squish.

Blizzard wanted to squish the gear because the 32bit coding means that boss health can't be set high enough without daft "phases" where it gets reset. Garrosh is the current example of this, where he heals to full numerous times due to the engine limiting the design of the content.

If they do another expansion after WoD, they'll just have to squish the stats all over again anyway! Bloody pointless.
I recall how excited i was to kill Brutallus with an average DPS of 2230, probably with 6k HP. And how powerful my character felt. The numbers in MoP don't excite me at all. I think blizzard have backed themselves into a corner up till now by two means:

1. Hugely accelerated gear progression at the start of a new expansion, to ensure all previous expansion raid items become obsolete before raiding begins again.
2. Blizzard's stated philosophy is that each new tier of gear you get should be a clear upgrade, so everything jumps by 20pc agility, 20pc stamina, 20pc more crit etc.

I don't see why there should be such a huge acceleration. Sure it might seem great the first couple of times when your DPS/healing/survivability takes a noticeable leap, but eventually the numbers just become meaningless. Better design would make for a smoother curve and none of this stat squish rubbish.
There isnt a huge acceleration in WoD as they are doing a stat squash to bring everything back down to reasonable and manageable levels and then do a smooth increase (I would hope)
Is there anyone in the beta, or who's just keeping on top of it able to tell me what the overall feel of the expansion zones is going to be? Are they aiming for the same feel as the BC zones, for example, or something entirely new? While MoP zones are mostly beautiful, well-designed and polished, they didn't feel like Warcraft to me. I'm kind of wavering over whether to be interested in WoD or not. I guess WoW never truly leaves you.
There isnt a huge acceleration in WoD as they are doing a stat squash to bring everything back down to reasonable and manageable levels and then do a smooth increase (I would hope)

Like I said earlier, the stat squish just makes a lv 100 character very similar to a lv 87/88 one at the moment in terms of damage and health. Not good enough imo.
Any1 else get their beta invite today?

Was suprised to get one despite being unsubbed since March, but account is active for another month or so so figure why the hell not :p

Downloading now :D

/Also out of interest for anyone affected by the previous banning episode from the MOP key giveaway it doesnt appear to affect your chances for the WOD beta
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I thought that goal of the stat squish was to bring ilevel back in line with actual level?

i.e upon reaching level 100 you're going to be ~ilevel 100 which is what... around TBC levels?

I also read that even post-squish you're going to keep your new ilevel which means going above and beyond 600 - don't see the point in that either as it's going to mean a lot of tiny upgrades for lots of ilevels.
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Signed back on today after 6 months off and it appears everyone else is on holiday too in the OCUK guild.
have to say Alliance have all the fun from what ive seen in the Beta, warlords shadowmoon valley is probably gonna be up there with my favourite wow zones ever, prob a second to Howling Fjord or Grizzly hills from Wrath.

Although theres still lots of bugs (its a beta go figure) having played a bit of it its deffo building the pre release hype for me.

Not gonna play too much of it without ruining the game too much but it looks very promising from what ive seen.

It almost made me realise how dependant ive come on addons over the years.

Trying to play warrior or druid my normal classes with the default ui just feels so alien to me.

Decided to playthrough as hunter, this was my original class in wow, it really seems to suffer from the removal of button bloat. Been a while since i played it so that may be a factor but the removal of serpent sting makes it a bit of a dull rotation now. Seems to be keep black arrow up, hit explosive on cd, arcane spam when you get a thrill of the hunt proc and use cobra as filler. Powershot seems a nice addition tho.

Stats wise cant say i even noticed the difference in the gearing. Yes gear now looks a lot more like wrath in terms of the stat allocation but mobs die as you would expect.

Health at around level 91 for me was 50k ish
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