***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Yes, my fans are certainly running louder, but I wouldn't say 'like crazy'. I've not had a chance to play around with the settings to investigate although Blizzard added new graphics upgrades in this patch so maybe some of these are enabled by default if you've selected ultra.

Mine is quite audible when playing WoW now, it wasn't before. Will have a look and find out what is causing it.
This is going to be a really nooby question but following on from the one the other day:

I take it Tier 17 tokens only drop on the Blackrock raid at Normal and above?

What's the LFR stuff then? Just the normal fare of 650ilvl epics?
Sub cancelled for me, due to run out in mid April so ill play till then. Just nothing keeping me interested anymore and logging in to do the daily garrison stuff just isnt worth the sub.

Now that the veteran accounts are there i can still log in from time to time to have a natter with guildies but since im not raiding outside the odd LFR i just cant justify keeping it going.

Best expansion for me for levelling but fek all keepin me playin at 100
There actually is a set from LFR its 655 and gives different bonuses to T17 set.

Yep there is a different set, not class specific in design or set bonuses. They look like garbage and are garbage. Blizzard have really alienated me with this one, I want to at least have a chance of getting a reasonable looking set of new armour.

I'm done with this, I'm cancelling my subs when I get in tonight. Very little to do in game bar the usual Garrison crap that's not worth the £10 a month.
Yep there is a different set, not class specific in design or set bonuses. They look like garbage and are garbage. Blizzard have really alienated me with this one, I want to at least have a chance of getting a reasonable looking set of new armour.

I'm done with this, I'm cancelling my subs when I get in tonight. Very little to do in game bar the usual Garrison crap that's not worth the £10 a month.

If you want a decent looking set then just transmog your gear...
The only issue with that is if you aren't in a raiding guild you're stuck with pugs and it can take hours just to do one boss if the groups you get have just one idiot. I tried the new LFR the other day and people couldn't even do Kromog without wiping.

It's the reason I unsubbed really, I wanted to raid but pug groups are just frustrating as hell. I didn't want to join a guild with a set raid schedule either, I've never been one for scheduling my life around a game.
Must have got lucky as I've done Kromog on 2 toons in LFR and both of them got the kill on the 2nd attempt.

Must admit the new patch is rather lackluster. Seems a very half assed expansion outside of the initial leveling experience so far
The only issue with that is if you aren't in a raiding guild you're stuck with pugs and it can take hours just to do one boss if the groups you get have just one idiot. I tried the new LFR the other day and people couldn't even do Kromog without wiping.

It's the reason I unsubbed really, I wanted to raid but pug groups are just frustrating as hell. I didn't want to join a guild with a set raid schedule either, I've never been one for scheduling my life around a game.

You can find casual guilds on wowprogress. You can fine those who play on days you can attend and there are plenty who allow members who cannot attend a high percentage of raids. You can even join guild x-realm now.

Don't count yourself out without giving it a bash :D
Would still mean scheduling my playtime around when they raided. To be honest I wouldn't be raiding much anyway after getting the gear I wanted so was only a matter of time before I would have unsubbed anyway. Might come back before the next tier and do it then.
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