Resubbed again for a month for 6.2, some nice changes and plenty to do atm.
Tute, or any mythic raider, how often do you raid a week? The guild I'm in is in a forced hiatus (players disappeared) but we only raid twice a week. We're very casual and still haven't cleared normal BRF (hiatus tbh).
I do want to beat the harder difficulties but always feel held back by people who don't prepare; but I don't really want to raid more days.
Wondering if that's possible...
Sup guys, my girlfriend and I have started to play again and both made new characters, me a rogue and she's a priest. On alliance playing on Defias Brotherhood (guild suggestions?). We've come to realise leveling is absolutely useless... With heirlooms, you just faceroll everything.
So, dungeon chaining seems to be the way forward. Meh, sure, fine.
Then, on top of that, I spent about 2 hours last night boosting tailoring and enchanting, only to just read that what I was doing is pointless!
So, how do professions work? Let's sat I get to 90, aces, good job bro, well done. Pat on the back. Now 100...
My profession is currently at 110 or something on both. Do I still have to use old mats like strange dust etc. Or can I just say "hey bro, I'm 90 now, so boost me to 600!"?
I am looking to properly get into WoW, and am looking at buying an account off of ebay, maybe.
I am deciding wether to resub or just buy another battlechest and go from there... As in the past the furthest i have gotten is the battlechest with mists and then never renewing.
Does anyone have any tips on how to get started and how to play basically, i have levelled up chars before, my highest being over 60 just useful tips for getting properly into the game every noob sound get told.
If anyone can help that would be awesome!
Do not buy an account would be the biggest advice i can give you, theres nothing stopping the original owner claiming the account back by providing their ID to blizzard.
You simply cant do anything about it and will lose the account but more importantly, your money.
If you already have an account with up to MoP then just purchase Warlords of Draenor, you'll get a free level 90 boost.
I re-subbed and cancelled within the hour..
25+ minutes queue for a random BG on Alliance! I know arena will be quicker but I like the BG's for filling time and I don't want to fill time with waiting. quick waste of £9.99 there
I could, but its the sub that puts me off if im honest...