***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I re-subbed and cancelled within the hour..

25+ minutes queue for a random BG on Alliance! I know arena will be quicker but I like the BG's for filling time and I don't want to fill time with waiting. quick waste of £9.99 there :(
Tute, or any mythic raider, how often do you raid a week? The guild I'm in is in a forced hiatus (players disappeared) but we only raid twice a week. We're very casual and still haven't cleared normal BRF (hiatus tbh).

I do want to beat the harder difficulties but always feel held back by people who don't prepare; but I don't really want to raid more days.

Wondering if that's possible...

I raid four times a week, although normally one day is "gearing" day so for example, we used to run heroic that day and clear it all leaving the other three for mythic.

Currently we're doing all four days on normal but we're already 6 bosses in after two and a half raids.

I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing here as I'm not really loving HFC either, in fact so far it seems worse than BRF - the fights aren't really very engaging.
Not overly impressed tbh, zone is pretty dull and even the grinds aren't dressed up very well. Haven't stepped into any raid environment and can't see myself outside of lfr either.
Yeah not loving it so far, we did a quick alt raid last night on normal got 7 down and got about 4 down on heroic in the main raid on Wed.

I like the ship yard, and the dailies if done properly doesnt take long at all so thats not too bad, but i dont htink ill be doing it on any alts.
Sup guys, my girlfriend and I have started to play again and both made new characters, me a rogue and she's a priest. On alliance playing on Defias Brotherhood (guild suggestions?). We've come to realise leveling is absolutely useless... With heirlooms, you just faceroll everything.

So, dungeon chaining seems to be the way forward. Meh, sure, fine.

Then, on top of that, I spent about 2 hours last night boosting tailoring and enchanting, only to just read that what I was doing is pointless!

So, how do professions work? Let's sat I get to 90, aces, good job bro, well done. Pat on the back. Now 100...

My profession is currently at 110 or something on both. Do I still have to use old mats like strange dust etc. Or can I just say "hey bro, I'm 90 now, so boost me to 600!"?

Sup guys, my girlfriend and I have started to play again and both made new characters, me a rogue and she's a priest. On alliance playing on Defias Brotherhood (guild suggestions?). We've come to realise leveling is absolutely useless... With heirlooms, you just faceroll everything.

So, dungeon chaining seems to be the way forward. Meh, sure, fine.

Then, on top of that, I spent about 2 hours last night boosting tailoring and enchanting, only to just read that what I was doing is pointless!

So, how do professions work? Let's sat I get to 90, aces, good job bro, well done. Pat on the back. Now 100...

My profession is currently at 110 or something on both. Do I still have to use old mats like strange dust etc. Or can I just say "hey bro, I'm 90 now, so boost me to 600!"?


unless you want something crafted from pre 100 then your skill level doesn't matter, once you get your garrison and crafting building you learn the recipes from that.
I am looking to properly get into WoW, and am looking at buying an account off of ebay, maybe.
I am deciding wether to resub or just buy another battlechest and go from there... As in the past the furthest i have gotten is the battlechest with mists and then never renewing.
Does anyone have any tips on how to get started and how to play basically, i have levelled up chars before, my highest being over 60 just useful tips for getting properly into the game every noob sound get told.
If anyone can help that would be awesome!
Do not buy an account would be the biggest advice i can give you, theres nothing stopping the original owner claiming the account back by providing their ID to blizzard.
You simply cant do anything about it and will lose the account but more importantly, your money.
I am looking to properly get into WoW, and am looking at buying an account off of ebay, maybe.
I am deciding wether to resub or just buy another battlechest and go from there... As in the past the furthest i have gotten is the battlechest with mists and then never renewing.
Does anyone have any tips on how to get started and how to play basically, i have levelled up chars before, my highest being over 60 just useful tips for getting properly into the game every noob sound get told.
If anyone can help that would be awesome!

If you already have an account with up to MoP then just purchase Warlords of Draenor, you'll get a free level 90 boost.
Do not buy an account would be the biggest advice i can give you, theres nothing stopping the original owner claiming the account back by providing their ID to blizzard.
You simply cant do anything about it and will lose the account but more importantly, your money.

Yeah i was reading yesterday about a guy that bought like a stupidly expensive account (not specified) off a 'trusted' site, they had hacked the account and the original owner, 2 years later, took the account back... Lost all his time and money...
I re-subbed and cancelled within the hour..

25+ minutes queue for a random BG on Alliance! I know arena will be quicker but I like the BG's for filling time and I don't want to fill time with waiting. quick waste of £9.99 there :(

Remove AV+IoC and its couple mins
I could, but its the sub that puts me off if im honest...

If the sub puts you off then why bother spending just as much buying an account when you'll have to pay the sub anyway? Unless you don't plan on playing any of the current stuff.

You could save a small amount buying the battlechest with a free month but just doesn't seem worth it if you already have an account you could continue on with.
I've unsubbed again, 6.2 is just too boring to keep my sub. Tanaan is a pretty dull zone and I've no interest in HFC, queued for wing 1 yesterday and after 2 mins in the q I just logged off. Talking to a couple of raider though seems I dodged a bullet, I cba with 10 min boss fights and thats seemingly all Hellfire offers! Dont think the 'lore' is helping me stay interested either, might try again in a years time when they release the next expansion!

I'll continue to mess around in the low level bg's on my druid until sub tuns out, but q's can take 10-30 minutes to pop, which is a shame - oh and dwarf running animations what the actual ****! why am I a bouncy, skipping girl child? (bit late to the party with animations but I mained horde at the start of the new expansion and recently a human rogue where i spend all my time in stealth).
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I thought account selling wasn't allowed... yet eBay actually list them openly. :eek:

Now the initial shock is over I might have to price mine up haha, finally break the urge to log back in every couple of months for an Ulduar mount run and then get bored after one attempt. :p
This was up on MMO Champion:

Dev Interview - Hellfire Citadel the Final Raid of Warlords of Draenor
MamyTwink had the opportunity to talk to Cory Stockton (@mumper) recently. We have recapped the more interesting parts below, but watch the full thing for more context!

Expansions and Raids

Hellfire Citadel is currently planned to be the last raid of the expansion.
It wraps up things and it is hard to beat Archimonde as a final boss.
Players saw Tanaan Jungle at the start of the expansion and are wrapping back around to it now.
Anything can happen between now and whatever the team does next, but Hellfire Citadel is the pinnacle of where players are getting to.
There isn't anything to announce about future patches, but part of that comes down to how Patch 6.2 plays out. How far players progress in Hellfire Citadel and Tanaan Jungle will give the team an idea of how long the content will last.
Some expansions had four big patches, some had three, Warlords had two big patches with Patch 6.1 and 6.2. As the team gets closer to hitting the goal of a small gap between expansions there will be less large patches in each expansion.
The team isn't happy with players having to wait a year for new content.
Long waits aren't something they ever want to do, but the team was working on the new expansion and they weren't going to release it until it is at the right quality level. That isn't an excuse for the long wait, but it is better to wait two more months to have a great expansion rather than releasing it earlier and ending up with many issues.
Farahlon was a cool idea, but it didn't really fit into the story being told.
Tol Barad didn't make it in the game until Cataclysm, but the team was talking about adding it during Wrath of the Lich King. It just didn't fit the story until then.


The Mage Tower has felt underpowered for a long time. The power it offers in terms of completing naval missions may not be exactly where they want it yet.
Similar to Battle Pets, followers don't need more levels. Followers are content themselves, so more content is added by adding more followers and missions rather than requiring more upgrades.
Overall, the team is happy with garrisons. There are things that they would have done differently though.
Moving forward they will look at the parts of the garrison system that worked well to see how they can offer new gameplay that is exciting.
Building a building, assigning a follower to the building, and sending followers on missions felt new and fresh, but in the end players figured out how to optimize it.
The team wants to continue to engage players in new ways, so not every part of garrisons will move forward, but the things that players really liked might.

Legendary Items

The team is currently making legendary items that everyone has access to, but that doesn't mean they will never go back to the old model for specific classes. They are just trying something different for now.
The concept right now is to have an item that is updated with every patch and then reward something really good at the end of the expansion. Earning it requires playing through all of the content in an expansion.
Earning the legendary item right now feels good, but it doesn't have the same feeling as the old legendary items.
The journey of earning the legendary item is on each character, so making the item account bound rather than character bound is unlikely.
Raids are not tuned around everyone having the legendary ring. The team can estimate how many people will have the ring on average when the raid comes out and then tune the raid around that. If the tuning is off, it can be hotfixed right away.


The WoW Token has worked out well. It lets players with extra gold safely buy game time for gold and players with extra money but no time safely purchase gold from other players.
Mythic dungeons need a little bit of tuning, but overall the tuning is sufficiently challenging.
Completing 5 Timewalking Dungeons could give players a Normal difficulty cache in the future in addition to the extra Bonus Roll.
The team would love to do more things with Gul'dan in the future.
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