I thought Blizzard had two separate teams working on the expansion packs (similar to Call of Duty's development system . ) so that Blizzard have been working on this for longer than just this year.
Vanilla content; update the character models, graphics options, use more modern small changes (quest helper, quests appearing on the map along with blue area markers, item comparison, bag options, et cetera, new guild system) but keep the content of the server Vanilla (and the classes/races) and update it on a time scale similar to what happened.
They would (in my opinion) bring a lot of players back to play through the old content and allow players whom missed out on it the first time round. Seriously, Alterac Valley used to be awesome and 40 man Naxx was great.
It's about time for this game to start dying, recycling lore/content/mechanics can't go on forever.
Jagex tried this with Runescape, it did bring some players back but not many. The good old days are the good old days, they will never come back.
Starts 7PM UK time
It's about time for this game to start dying, recycling lore/content/mechanics can't go on forever.
It's going to carry on as it is!
That was quite anti climatic...
I think there are already too many classes in games to be honest, and adding a new hero class will only make things more difficult to balance.
People scream out for more content... people complain about new stuff!!