***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Of course, I understand people buying them, just it's personally unjustified for me to do it, don't have that kind of money to just spend on a free boost. Besides, I have most classes at at least level 85 anyway, apart from Lock/Rogue which I'll probably never level anyway.

Yeah same, everything is above 85 apart from a priest which is 81 and lock/monk. Currently leveling a monk to play in WoD along with a druid. Lock I'm not too interested in but will get it up at some point just to have it.

Think rogue has to be my most hated class though. Hate being out of energy so often.
Decided im gonna resub in this week to coincide with the pre expansion patch.

Gonna move my druid to chamber of aspects to raid with some mates come the expansion, not gonna be doing anything hardcore, hopefully some flex and just havin a laugh again.

Will keep my main as resto/balance druid as enjoyed that on the beta :)

What guild are your mates in?

Myself and a group of friends (Playing since TBC) have started a new guild for WoD with the intent on mythic level raiding. Won't bore the ones with no interest but I thought there may be a few people in here returning for WoD who don't have many friends still around that play and fancy some high level raiding :)

Check out the guild here - www.endemic.co
For those on chamber of aspects, do you have any recommendations for guilds to join?

I'm currently at level 86 but getting to 90 slowly but surely and quit looking forward to getting into raiding though I am new to both the game itself and the game type.

The whole raid thing and guild are a bit alien to me but I have been doing some reading online and will do more when i actually hit 90 to find out exactly what i need to do to join raids and do things properly.
Edit: Was cleaning keyboard.

Krowzer, how far did you get in Mists raid wise?

Some of us did heroic not sure how far, we mainly raided at a hardcore level in TBC, Wrath and Cata.

I myself raided hardcore in TBC and Wrath didn't play Cata and just did normal and a odd heroic in Mists - obviously looking to go back to the progression I was used to in TBC and Wrath.

Welcome to the first in an ongoing series of programming- and engineering-focused articles that, over time, will cover some of the technical nuts and bolts that go into creating and running World of Warcraft.

Before we kick this first one off, a quick warning: What follows is a fairly technical explanation for a graphical-setting change related to anti-aliasing. Most of you probably won’t notice any difference at all—this is primarily for those who tend to tinker with their hardware and graphical settings.

In short, we’re taking strides to improve the performance of World of Warcraft, while also ensuring there’s plenty of potential to further increase graphical fidelity and enhance our support of high-end CPUs and graphics hardware.

For Warlords of Draenor, we made a decision to remove Multisample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) and instead include a new anti-aliasing technology called Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing (CMAA). This change is going to allow us to bring some overdue technological advancements to World of Warcraft over the course of the next few years—we’re thinking long-term with this change.

One reason MSAA remained viable for WoW over the past decade was that the GPU had the time and resources to handle it. WoW has been a CPU-bound game for much of its lifetime, but during the Warlords development cycle, we endeavored to change that. A lot of that work involved analyzing the flow of data through our code and making sure we work on only what we need to for any given frame. One example is we now variably reduce the number of bones that need to be animated based on proximity and view (sometimes called level of detail, or LOD), a primary consumer of CPU time. We’ve also added a job system that the engine uses to task out animation and scene management in ways we had prototyped in Patch 5.4, but are expanding in Warlords.

The outcome of all of this is that more than ever before, World of Warcraft relies heavily on a GPU that previously was largely free to handle things like MSAA. We explored a number of options to reconcile this increased GPU demand with the game’s anti-aliasing needs, and ultimately decided to embrace CMAA as our anti-aliasing technology for Warlords of Draenor. As with anything that can potentially change the look of the game, we vetted removing MSAA through our engineering and art teams before coming to the conclusion to swap it for CMAA. CMAA provides solid anti-aliasing at a fraction of the cost in memory and performance. It also integrates well with technologies we have planned for the future, and helps us bring those to the game sooner. We also support FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing), an even lighter-weight solution, as an option for our players using DirectX 9.

CMAA fulfills our goals of providing high-quality anti-aliasing at reduced performance cost, while giving us the extra headroom we need to further improve the graphical fidelity of the game. We don’t have to make any architectural concessions within the engine for CMAA to work, and for Warlords of Draenor we’ve already been able to implement new graphical features like target outlining, soft particles, a new shadowing technique, and refraction—and more graphical features are on the horizon for future patches and expansions.

For the launch of Warlords of Draenor, CMAA is the top-tier graphical setting available, but after release we’ll be exploring more options for players with high-performance graphics cards—and if they provide quality while still fitting into our future technology plans, we’ll take a serious look at adding them to the game.

The graphical future of World of Warcraft is a bright one, and the changes we’ve made during the development of Warlords of Draenor have laid the groundwork for us to continue making the game look better and better far into the future.

Thanks for reading!

It looks like WoW might become less CPU intensive now.
I have a 90 Rogue I used as free boost on Chamber of Aspects. No idea if I'll try play that or carry on with my Warlock but it's on a PVP server which I don't really like and I'm not paying £17 to move.
All of my characters are dotted around as my WoW path over the years has taken me. Most of my characters are on dead servers and it makes me feel less inclined to come back for the expansion. I'd have to pay 100 quid or sommat to consolidate the main ones and that ain't happening.

I posted this a few weeks back, the is currently a lot of hate over this as they are removing MSAA and adding FXAA/CMAA but not SSAA, this means low end machines will have the option of FXAA (and disable it like they do in Diablo as it looks like ****), mid range machines can use CMAA and high spec machines have nothing better to use so essentially they have downgraded the game for everyone with a decent machine.

The going consensus is that they planned to add SSAA but ran out of time so made a post bigging up CMAA and everyone saw through it lol.
What guild are your mates in?

The guild im joining is called Assassin Nation, Jock feel free to give them a shout in game they are pretty casual from what i know so dont be expectin mythic raiding when the expansion launches initially :p

Theres a few of the original Ocuk Overachievers people in that guild hence it being my choice for a home during WOD :)
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I posted this a few weeks back, the is currently a lot of hate over this as they are removing MSAA and adding FXAA/CMAA but not SSAA, this means low end machines will have the option of FXAA (and disable it like they do in Diablo as it looks like ****), mid range machines can use CMAA and high spec machines have nothing better to use so essentially they have downgraded the game for everyone with a decent machine.

The going consensus is that they planned to add SSAA but ran out of time so made a post bigging up CMAA and everyone saw through it lol.

My mate had mixed reactions about the move too.
I have been considering putting a small casual raiding guild together for this expansion. Nothing massive, for those like myself who couldn't dedicate 3-5 nights a week for Mythic raiding. I'd like to see something outside of LFR in warlords, even if it is just Normal or some Heroic.

I have a level 25 Alliance guild on Silvermoon EU, anyone who is interested in throwing together a small core group for 1-2 nights a week let me know, battletag is Markeh#2286 or on here or what not.
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