***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Took me about 10 minutes, thanks to the mini-war going on locally, but I managed to take a screenshot of my hunter outside the Dark Portal last night.

Goodbye old green Portal and old troll model, you will be missed.

Can't wait to see what's changed when I get home tonight!
I have been considering putting a small casual raiding guild together for this expansion. Nothing massive, for those like myself who couldn't dedicate 3-5 nights a week for Mythic raiding. I'd like to see something outside of LFR in warlords, even if it is just Normal or some Heroic.

I have a level 25 Alliance guild on Silvermoon EU, anyone who is interested in throwing together a small core group for 1-2 nights a week let me know, battletag is Markeh#2286 or on here or what not.

I might be up for something very casual. I can't even remember what my battletag is, haha. I'll post it in here later.
You get a small quest line about the Dark Portal (20ish quests long roughly) and the revamped UBRS dungeon available for a short priod of time before its a lvl 100(?) dung - a bit like the Theramore Scenario from the pre- MoP stuff.

No OG changes from what I saw..

Its filler fluff mainly, I would say go run old dungeons as they are even easier now, auto attack easy! Just pwned through ICC on my DK..christ it was a breeze.
You get a small quest line about the Dark Portal (20ish quests long roughly) and the revamped UBRS dungeon available for a short priod of time before its a lvl 100(?) dung - a bit like the Theramore Scenario from the pre- MoP stuff.

No OG changes from what I saw..

Its filler fluff mainly, I would say go run old dungeons as they are even easier now, auto attack easy! Just pwned through ICC on my DK..christ it was a breeze.

Really? Wonder if its possible to finish my shadowmourne now hmmmmmm

In fact i could see me running old raids loads for mog gear
I knew that :p

I meant world changes. For a start off, we gots a troll brudda as Warchief mon, so it'll be interesting to see if they've done a load of changes in Org because of that. And quests and whatnot to lead up to the expansion.

You may be disappointed. I think there was 12 quests to do.
Just tried a level 45 dungeon and 5 of us in full heirlooms wiped 3 times on the 2nd boss in dire maul. Was absolutely awful :/ Used all cooldowns and just die in 3 hits. Great patch.
Just tried a level 45 dungeon and 5 of us in full heirlooms wiped 3 times on the 2nd boss in dire maul. Was absolutely awful :/ Used all cooldowns and just die in 3 hits. Great patch.

So it's just like vanilla now then :D

Really? Wonder if its possible to finish my shadowmourne now hmmmmmm

In fact i could see me running old raids loads for mog gear


ICC25 has been like soloable for ages, I can even solo some 25 heroics like lady deathwhisper on my arms warrior
Valithria is the only one I can't as no heals :( however you don't need to kill her to get LK any more.

Gunship is quite simple, just nuke the other ship with the cannon (ignore mobs), then when you get frozen out aoe down down the mobs on your ship, jump over, burn down the axe throwers, then the mage, then jump back and get in the cannon, rinse and repeat and their ship should go down first.

You have to be good with your secondary attack in the cannon as launching half baked will see you lose the dps race.
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Just tried a level 45 dungeon and 5 of us in full heirlooms wiped 3 times on the 2nd boss in dire maul. Was absolutely awful :/ Used all cooldowns and just die in 3 hits. Great patch.

Mid level tanking is utterly broken right now. My level 59 fully heirloomed character couldn't tank Sunken Temple without mutliple wipes and me running out of mana several times. Blizzard seems to want a shift back to a more tactical play-style but I fear they've created a casual monster that will take a lot of hard work to turn around. Players just aren't used to the vanilla play-style anymore.

Whilst people will eventually come around I fear it's the tanks and healers that will suffer the wrath of others caused by multiple wipes until people get used to this new way of playing - making life miserable for them in the process.

Not enjoyable at all at the moment, even though it's only hours into this patch.
Indeed, I would just clarify that whilst ICC was soloable prior to this patch its crazy how easy it is now - my Dk is only ilvl 480ish and struggled on 25 man Lady Deathwhisper strangly. Now she went down in about 15 seconds. I would hate to imagine how easy it would be with 'decent' gear. I might give it a try on my 550 hunter once sky has been installed..
It just didn't feel as special. A lot of the old areas like SW/IF were scarce. Not much population in there which is understandable. It also seems too casual which is a bonus for the casual player, nearly everyone I saw had great gear. Not many low levels at all.

I tried Hearthstone too, couldn't get into that.

Try playing on a populated server, stormwind is packed.
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