***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Wanted to ask, how's the pvp in WoW? Looking to roll a Warrior and wanted to ask how hard/long is it to get the season 15 gear? PVP is the only thing I'm interested in.
Probably not worth crafting anything with a little over a month left until WoD.

Fair enough. I'll carry on crafting Magnificent Hides anyway so I get all the plans unlocked, hopefully I get the bloody bag plan soon so I can fill it up with lovely WoD leather as I quest.
Wanted to ask, how's the pvp in WoW? Looking to roll a Warrior and wanted to ask how hard/long is it to get the season 15 gear? PVP is the only thing I'm interested in.

PvP is great but you're going to find it hard to get gear right now because you'll just get ****ed because everyone has the best gear. Expansion in a month though.
Is gear still bought on points? Or have they made it for the masses so you can use gold?
Points right now, but I believe its changing to gold. Not entirely sure, I know heirlooms are. But yeah, if you have a friend who is geared that can get you wins in arena you should gear fast, they made it so you can get 30k+ conquest now to gear/catch up faster.
If he doesn't have S14 gear then he will have to grind that first. Best way to do that as a War is to go tank spec and spam heroic dungeons, then trade JP in for honor. Also do the Isle of Thunder pvp dailies.
Just tidying things up atm, done all the quests, got two cooking to raise to 600, got me cloak.
I only just did ICC for the first time yesterday, raid was a lot more epic than anything in Mists that's for sure. I feel WOW was at it's peak though then with WOTLK because I loved the Arthas storyline,
Just tidying things up atm, done all the quests, got two cooking to raise to 600, got me cloak.
I only just did ICC for the first time yesterday, raid was a lot more epic than anything in Mists that's for sure. I feel WOW was at it's peak though then with WOTLK because I loved the Arthas storyline,

I've just been doing the Death Knight tutorial for the first time ever. Loved the stuff with Arthas and the beginning of the Ebon Blade.
Just tidying things up atm, done all the quests, got two cooking to raise to 600, got me cloak.
I only just did ICC for the first time yesterday, raid was a lot more epic than anything in Mists that's for sure. I feel WOW was at it's peak though then with WOTLK because I loved the Arthas storyline,

I will agree with this, TBC and WOTLK were brilliant for me, because they tied up all the loose ends from WC3 and frozen throne, dealing with Arthas and Illidan.

Cataclysm was an ok expansion but I'm pretty glad I missed most of Pandaclysm having only been resubbed for the last 2 months or so. The whole "lets go to pandaria" felt like they just wanted an excuse to try and get some girl gamers interested by having cutesy pandas as a playable race, and a poor attempt to try and grab an Asian gaming market by having something which seems over the top stereotypical interpretation of China.

Also the questing sucked hard in Pandaria, not only did the first 3 areas look very similar, I swear 1/2 the quests were just telling you to go to another questgiver, who would give you 3 quests and then send you off to find another 3 questgivers.

I am enjoying the end game content, ToT was a really well designed raid, I just hope we get more hard 5 man content in WoD akin to something we had in TBC.
Cloak done, Garrosh Normal killed, Challenge Mode gold done...

Guess I am pretty much done for expansion now :)
I'd love to level a DK but I've never been one for alts, I generally just plug everything in to my one character I've had since 08.
The whole "lets go to pandaria" felt like they just wanted an excuse to try and get some girl gamers interested by having cutesy pandas as a playable race, and a poor attempt to try and grab an Asian gaming market by having something which seems over the top stereotypical interpretation of China.

The main reason we got the Pandaran race is because people kept asking for it, I don't think they are that bad tbh.
Resubbed and played for a few hours.

Levelled my 85 warrior tank up to 86. It's not really grabbing me again at the moment. I think I'll be a little more interested when the expansion drops.
Not long now until it drops. Leveling up my paladin before wod hits. Think i am gonna main that this time around. Usually my warrior but fancied a change.

Panda land not been that thrilled to be honest. Fingers crossed tons of change in wod
Leveling my Paladin also, really wanted to play a Warrior and just Heroic Leap around but I really can't be bothered leveling one from 1-90 when I already have a 86 Paladin just sitting there waiting to be leveled.
5 level 90 toons and i have no idea which to level to 100 first ..may go the path of the warrior thought TBH.

Weird people banging on about the new models??? you aint gonna take any notice of them once your covered in gear !!
I am basing my selection on pvp really. Been told rets look strong in wod. And i like a change so lets see what they can do.
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