***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

They've said since the announcement of stat squish over a year ago that old content would still be solo-able. I've found it a hell of a lot easier than before.
OK I love the new models and look of the game, brings it up to date. I tried playing my lvl 51 Warrior and dear god, he got his arse handed to him with normal mobs. I used to play him as Prot and he would 2 shot things easily, Shield Slam, Whack. Dead. Admittedly it was way too easy and I am glad they have changed it, but from what I am seeing so far, it seems to have gone from the silly to the ridiculous.

I have started a new Paladin :)
Might mean the complete abandonment of the LFG tool and making premades again. I've hated the pull 1201920192 packs and AoE everything playstyle that MoP has brought.

It's generated a breed of absolute idiots who run around as healers and DPS, pulling extra mobs to the tank, tanking themselves and generally just being scrubs.

I agree, but to be fair, it really started in TBC with Pally tanking. I played a Pally tank as my Main and AOE pulled pretty much everything in dungeon tanking. From memory, and this is going back many many years now, I only struggled tanking in Magister's Terrace as it was littered with casters and hard to corner-pull them. Rest was a joke.

It only got worse from there.
Mid level tanking is utterly broken right now. My level 59 fully heirloomed character couldn't tank Sunken Temple without mutliple wipes and me running out of mana several times. Blizzard seems to want a shift back to a more tactical play-style but I fear they've created a casual monster that will take a lot of hard work to turn around. Players just aren't used to the vanilla play-style anymore.

Whilst people will eventually come around I fear it's the tanks and healers that will suffer the wrath of others caused by multiple wipes until people get used to this new way of playing - making life miserable for them in the process.

Not enjoyable at all at the moment, even though it's only hours into this patch.

Imagine having to look for players again instead of hopping in the LFG tool and never even knowing the names of those you played with.

Hell, it might wanna make me start playing again.
Cleared fireland raid last night on my lock, not super high geared but the only problem I had was Shannox as his dogs destroyed me. Managed to trap one and kill the other then it was a cakewalk. No mounts dropped though...

Soloed most of the achievements in there too for the glory mount, apart from the nightmare that is only the penitent, where you need 6 coordinated people :/

There has definitely been a massive buff to players in old content. Malygos for example lasts only a few seconds before going to 1 health in 10 player now, where last week there would be 20%ish health left after phase 1.
I logged out to update an addon.

Dont log out to update addons.

Close the game and re-launch, it needs to update with a hotfix.

I just solo'ed 25-man Naxx, was an absolute breeze apart from Patchwerk (but that's only because I didn't realise you need to clear out the area before taking him on). Oh, and any acid on the floor seems to be pre-squish. Took me down from 67,000 to 6000 in one shot :p

That's because the floor acid drops you to ~10% (might be able to kill you on a second hit, I can't remember, don't let it lol)

Naxx25 is ancient, I'm not surprised it's easy :p

Last night I walked through heroic ICC25 and destroyed everything, and I mean destroyed. Normally deathwhisper is the only I can solo on heroic.

A couple of mates cleared heroic firelands and then did heroic DS up to spine.

Safe to say old content is much easier now :P (except for things with damage reflect as some of them let you oneshot yourself :P).
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That's because the floor acid drops you to ~10% (might be able to kill you on a second hit, I can't remember, don't let it lol)

Ahh, it's actually designed to do that then? That's ok, I've never done any of the WotLK raids before do didn't know what to expect or watch out for. I enjoyed Naxx though.

I'm guessing old raids are still restricted to weekly resets?
Yes which is such a game breaking factor for me. I hate artifical progress restrictions. Its so lazy.

this would also make the game incredibly boring...guild would just clear content every night and after a month or 2 you are done (that's not even including the hardcore guild who finish in less than a month.)
this would also make the game incredibly boring...guild would just clear content every night and after a month or 2 you are done (that's not even including the hardcore guild who finish in less than a month.)

For you, not for me. I want to play the game i pay for as much as i like :l

The Orc Sea Dogs you get durin gteh quests in Silverpine are unscaled. At level 13 you have 6 orcs following you around hitting for 400-600 each, while your spells are 50-60. Hilarious. Die Forest Ettin Elites!
For you, not for me. I want to play the game i pay for as much as i like :l

I don't get the argument, you can do BG's, quests, dungeons, scenarios, etc as much as you like, it's only the endgame that is locked like that, and raids are called endgame because they are what you do after everything else (LFR isn't technically loot locked because you can get around it with coining stuff). If your argument is that spamming raids give better loot, then you can just play for free on a private server and hack in all the loot you want, but there's more to the game than that.

If you get to the point where it's late in the expansion and your logging in once a week to raid in the hope of getting the one or two pieces of BiS you still need then that's the time to take a break until the next xpan (what I did at Xmas).
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