If that's how YOU want to play, then that's fine? What's wrong with me wanting to raid every night?
It's how the game was when it was released.
Sorry but that's totally wrong, in fact the game was even more limited then due to atunement required for raids, reputation requirements for heroic 5mans, etc.
The issue is your opinion is a very minor one and if they were to set it up the way you want it would impact on the majority of players and ruin the game for most.
My opinion isnt any less vaild because you dont share it.
Also I could raid as many nights as i liked, so it's not wrong.
Also Heroics were not introduced until some time into TBC.
And do you have any thoughts on all the other points i raised or is that the only one?
I have been considering putting a small casual raiding guild together for this expansion. Nothing massive, for those like myself who couldn't dedicate 3-5 nights a week for Mythic raiding. I'd like to see something outside of LFR in warlords, even if it is just Normal or some Heroic.
I have a level 25 Alliance guild on Silvermoon EU, anyone who is interested in throwing together a small core group for 1-2 nights a week let me know, battletag is Markeh#2286 or on here or what not.
I didn't say it was less valid because I didn't share it, I pointed out it wasn't shared by the vast majority of players (and therefore it is not what Blizzards customers want, hence it would be bad for business).
Again I never said you were wrong, just that your opinion is a minor one, and it would be bad for them if they changed the game in a way most are opposed too.
Correct, and they needed reputation levels with TBC factions like I said. They didn't exist at the games launch so couldn't have been unlocked then could they.
Okay fine:
Daily cooldowns: If you mean heroics, they have always been like that, however you can ignore the CD via LFD, if you mean crafting then the CD's are to control the economy, rarety = value.
4k max tokens (one item) a month: the cap is there to stop people hoarding, if your spending them properly it won't affect anyone, if you are hoarding in order to carry points over between tiers then just be glad they don't wipe them between tiers like they used to.
all those artificial invisible barriers jut annoy me. It should be up to me how fast or slow i take it.: The problem is if they let people do that then some would go hardcore no life beast mode and get BiS in a few weeks, which would be unfair on everyone else.
It's just capitalism, designed to keep me at the game for as long as possible. And that's fine if YOU like it... fair enough. I like everything else about the game. I like the levelling process, I like the gameplay and the level design and everything... I just hate the controlled exposure, and ultimately that causes me to spend more time unsubbed than I would be if i was allowed to progress as i like.: I have just resubbed after quitting at xmas halfway through heroic SoO due to boredom, but my complaint is lack of content, letting me blitz through it faster would make it even worse (and be unfair on others).
The thing for me is it's not just raiding. When MOP was released you couldnt do faction quests until you'd gotten Exalted with Golden Lotus... but you couldnt just get Golden Lotus because there was only X amount of Dailies. They reduced it to Revered but it's still insane. No turn ins, just dailies. So before you could do Klaxxi/ShadoPan etc, you had to spend 2 months doing Golden Lotus. That's pretty crazy gated content, and I cant even see an argument FOR it, other than a developer maximising player exposure to their product.
Are DK's still decent tanks?
Yup. Good choice too if you like solo'ing old content.