***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Can anyone recommend a good Horde PvP server?

Me and about 6 mates are currently on Frostmane Alliance but we want to change to Horde ready for Draenor.

I'm on twisting nether atm, seems pretty good. Stormscale is the biggest horde server though I believe, maybe kazzak.


Just look through here, depends if you just want an active horde server or a server with equal alliance/horde ratios really.
Depends what you're wanting

If you want PvE Kazzak/Twisting Nether

PvP Stormscale (its PvE scene is pretty crap for its population)
Been about 5 years since I last played WoW surprisingly on Twisting Nether, It was very horde sided back then which I liked as an alliance I get the opportunity for a lot more world PvP. Raids on the other hand were somewhat difficult to do unless you were in a proper raiding guild. I wonder if "Randoms Army" is still knocking about. Might come back once the new expansion launches just for nostalgia's sake.
Been about 5 years since I last played WoW surprisingly on Twisting Nether, It was very horde sided back then which I liked as an alliance I get the opportunity for a lot more world PvP. Raids on the other hand were somewhat difficult to do unless you were in a proper raiding guild. I wonder if "Randoms Army" is still knocking about. Might come back once the new expansion launches just for nostalgia's sake.


Doesn't seem like it.
So I just typed in the GM's name and found this thread.

90 Human Warrior
"I just wanted to bid people farewell, although im pretty sure anyone who knows/knew me left long ago. I rolled on TN 8 years ago, the server was busy both horde and ally. Sadly that is no longer the case and like a rat fleeing a sinking ship im off to pastures new"

"Its a shame really to see the ally community so dead, in an ideal world the servers would be balanced, especially on a PVP server. But as it stands now its almost impossible to play as Ally and it would be nice to get through a round of dailys without half a dozen corpse runs between each quest" :)

"So good luck to anyone who rolls ally on this server and happy ganking to the horde" :)


RIP ;(
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I have been considering putting a small casual raiding guild together for this expansion. Nothing massive, for those like myself who couldn't dedicate 3-5 nights a week for Mythic raiding. I'd like to see something outside of LFR in warlords, even if it is just Normal or some Heroic.

I have a level 25 Alliance guild on Silvermoon EU, anyone who is interested in throwing together a small core group for 1-2 nights a week let me know, battletag is Markeh#2286 or on here or what not.

I've just started up again. Will be interested in joining (although I prefer Horde) :).

In-game name Frankcesca.

Heirlooms can only be sent to the same server?
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Is there are reason why I'm not really getting any kind of damage buff when going into old raids? My Mage is at around 510 and everyone else I've seen is pulling crazy deeps whilst I'm sat here doing the standard around... do I have to enable something or does it not come into effect until a higher item level or something?
Is there are reason why I'm not really getting any kind of damage buff when going into old raids? My Mage is at around 510 and everyone else I've seen is pulling crazy deeps whilst I'm sat here doing the standard around... do I have to enable something or does it not come into effect until a higher item level or something?

Yep, blizz hotfixed it this morning, which tbh is stupid, i was able to do yogg+0 on my mage on thursday, pretty sure i won't be able to do it next week, also firelands was a lot harder today, couldn't do it on my 530 spriest or my 537 rogue.
Earlier this year I did reactivate my accound and had fun playing a new blood elf priest which i throughly enjoyed. It was on saurfang which unfortunately is more alliance than horde so was a little hard to buy and sell stuff in auction houses and find dungeon groups.
What I cant justify is £10 a month as I would feel I had to play. I wish you could buy game time per day and then that would be good. :D
I'm on twisting nether atm, seems pretty good. Stormscale is the biggest horde server though I believe, maybe kazzak.


Just look through here, depends if you just want an active horde server or a server with equal alliance/horde ratios really.

I don't do a lot of PvP as Alliance on my "server" seem to lose every single time. According to that link above there are 61,308 Alliance and 31,107 Horde on my server. So ratio means very little. It's quality not quantity. I'm guessing the majority of those Alliance players are newbies as that seems to be where most newcomers start out.

Also, with the cross realm battlegrounds these server stats are even more useless. I see players from many different realms on my server.
Yeah sure but people generally want a populated server anyway, and I don't believe you can guild with people on other servers.
Yep, blizz hotfixed it this morning, which tbh is stupid, i was able to do yogg+0 on my mage on thursday, pretty sure i won't be able to do it next week, also firelands was a lot harder today, couldn't do it on my 530 spriest or my 537 rogue.

Well that sucks... is there an official statement or anything?
Resubbed and waiting for wod to open as Im really bored with panadaria now..not too sure on the new layout of the talents etv ..but hopefully ill get used to it.

But I really do miss serpent shot on my hunter :(
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