***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

its applied by arcane shot now, and then refreshed with it also.

It was a bit jarring to see so many spaces on my action bars for most toons when i logged back in :)
Really having fun with this patch. Although there is no properly new content, I am making my own new content by attempting to solo raids on different classes.

Cannot wait for the expansion. Going to be so much fun!
Levelled my Warrior a bit at the weekend (60% of the way through 88), so that will be a tank and a healer ready to go. Levelling seems to be much quicker in MOP, did they lower the xp needed?

If I buy Warlords I'm not sure what to do with my boost.

I kind of want to try a pure DPS caster (I never really liked DPS on my priest) but it makes LFD queuing a chore.
I have a few toons on different servers. Outlands for alliance as horde is dead on there these days.

Kazzak for my horde toon very populated.

Thunderhorn as my original toons are on there.

As for the patch seems very buggy in bgs for me at the moment.

Not sure if its certain bgs but defo issues.

Hopefully fixed soon
Don't understand why they didn't leave the Black Prince boost up, looks like I won't be getting my cape for my horde character, I'm on the empire secrets collecting one.
Don't understand why they didn't leave the Black Prince boost up, looks like I won't be getting my cape for my horde character, I'm on the empire secrets collecting one.

They've removed the buff but I think the drop rate has been stealth increased, my brother was able to get 10 in 1 week which is 50% drop rate, it shouldn't be impossible to get the cloak if you're still on secrets.
They've removed the buff but I think the drop rate has been stealth increased, my brother was able to get 10 in 1 week which is 50% drop rate, it shouldn't be impossible to get the cloak if you're still on secrets.

I got nowhere near 10 when I started the secrets on wednesday :(

I've literally got 2 weeks when the reset happens wed to complete it.
Does no1 else feel that the game is getting dumbed down so much its getting daft? Half expecting a patch to put in a complete autopilot.

Moves being merged like arcane and serpent sting cuz its hard to keep dots up on mobs apparently. You have items like the healing cloak that spread overhealing done across mobs. You dont travel to zones any more you just sit in town and tele in/out of raids/dungeons with randoms never having to really interract.

Now garrison is going to have mobs that farm mats for you? I dont get how this is wanted by everyone :|
I almost never sit in town. I find there are always things to be doing out in the world. Mostly dailies or finishing zone quests, pet battling and collecting, archaeology, and farming old raids which you still have to actually go to.

I don't mind having a garrison that farms mats for me, its not exactly a new idea as SWTOR had your helpers who could go farm for you, and Rift is now introducing Minions to do the same thing.
They've removed the buff but I think the drop rate has been stealth increased, my brother was able to get 10 in 1 week which is 50% drop rate, it shouldn't be impossible to get the cloak if you're still on secrets.

I got nowhere near 10 when I started the secrets on wednesday :(

I've literally got 2 weeks when the reset happens wed to complete it.

I started this week with 6 secrets before the Black Prince buff was removed, and I'm now sitting on 15 with one or two bosses yet to do.

I think the drop rate must have been increased.
Quoting incase people missed it on the last page. Really hoping to get things moving.

This sounds good, never really got to see much of MOP apart from doing LFR. Can you add me? battle net ID is BG1980#2998.

Just resubbed, time to decide what character to create ...Hunter or Paladin choices choices.
man, I dont know, i think ive outgrown wow, just dont find my monk pala mage or hunter fun, only class I find fun is DK which has been reduced to a 3 button class :/
Just going through all my toons on various servers and I've got 2 I can level up to 90. They are Rogue - Combat (83) and Warrior - Arms (80). Are these still the best specs to play with? It's been ages since I used them so I'll have to learn to play the class all over again!
This sounds good, never really got to see much of MOP apart from doing LFR. Can you add me? battle net ID is BG1980#2998.

Just resubbed, time to decide what character to create ...Hunter or Paladin choices choices.

Have sent the request.
Got the request thanks. Just spent the last couple of hours trying to get the updates downloaded, kept getting error messages though.

All Updated now, just need to find my heirlooms and get them sent to my new character when I create it tomorrow. Would do it now but I keep getting dc'd with a world server down message.
I recently returned to WoW since just after WoTLK so a lot has changed. I've just hit 90 on my rogue and I'm not really sure what to do next.

Any tips on what type of spec/build I should be running?
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