***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I recently returned to WoW since just after WoTLK so a lot has changed. I've just hit 90 on my rogue and I'm not really sure what to do next.

Any tips on what type of spec/build I should be running?

Get to the Isle of Thingy - loads of chests and easy(ish) stuff to do that give you good (but boring) gear.

The Isle of [somebody help me out here!].
Well killed Mythic Garrosh last night. Our guild until the squish only got up to Klaxxi. Now weve merged with another guild so we could form a 20 man mythic team. Now SoO was so easy now, we almost 1 shot Garrosh on our first attempt.
Roll on the new content.
Any tips for a new 90 Rogue? I went to timeless island, looted some chests and got some decent gear. Also bought some valor gear. I really need some better weapons though.

I've gone with combat spec, not sure if this is the best for DPS?
Mark3h, I'm really tempted to play WoW again. Keep getting the MMO itch and while I'm loving Diablo 3, it's not quite the same. 2 questions... What do I need to buy to get access to all expansions? What classes are you missing in your group?
The "Battlechest" you can buy for 9.99 from Blizz direct includes all content up to where we are now...all you would have to addon to that would be Warlords, but none of the changes coming with WoD will be accessible until you reach level 90 everything affecting players without WoD is now in game I think but still being tweaked.

The only bonus to getting WoD early is you can give yourself a nice shiny free level 90 of class/race/faction of your choice.
Thanks. Looks like it's cheaper than I thought to get back into it. Don't want a 90 character until I know what class I want to stick with.
Any tips for a new 90 Rogue? I went to timeless island, looted some chests and got some decent gear. Also bought some valor gear. I really need some better weapons though.

I've gone with combat spec, not sure if this is the best for DPS?

Assassination seems the way to go since 6.0.2 dropped. Get slice'n'dice up early, keep refreshing rupture, make sure you take Anticipation talent, make sure you swap to dispatch at 35% and try to only use 5cp finishers.

(I've played a rogue main for about 5 years, got to 11/14hc before 6.0.2 hit)
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Mark3h, I'm really tempted to play WoW again. Keep getting the MMO itch and while I'm loving Diablo 3, it's not quite the same. 2 questions... What do I need to buy to get access to all expansions? What classes are you missing in your group?

Normal wow has all expansions included now. All you would need to buy is warlords. Even if you only ever played vanilla.
Currently could use some caster dps or healing classes.
If you make a character on silvermoon, type /who never mind the murlocs. Im out for most of tonight, but anyone else who is on should be able to send an invite.

Short. You can do cross realm raid groups. So inviting an alliance toon from another realm isnt an issue, just means no gchat banter.
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Havent played wow wince playing in top 10 guild in wrath... Might come back for warlords and try a warlock.. As it was the only class I didn't get to 85.. Or even a holy priest... As my old one was disc for arenas.

Ill get the game downloaded over weekend and start a char on silvermoon.
Havent played wow wince playing in top 10 guild in wrath... Might come back for warlords and try a warlock.. As it was the only class I didn't get to 85.. Or even a holy priest... As my old one was disc for arenas.

Ill get the game downloaded over weekend and start a char on silvermoon.

If the last 2 expansions are anything to go by. Your priest would be better staying disc. It is the better healing spec atm.
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