If the last 2 expansions are anything to go by. Your priest would be better staying disc. It is the better healing spec atm.
but has changed quite a lot in how they heal
If the last 2 expansions are anything to go by. Your priest would be better staying disc. It is the better healing spec atm.
but has changed quite a lot in how they heal
Yes it has. As of 6.0, holy nova1!
Off topic, where abouts in holywood? Went to sullivan myself.
was Croft Road, lived there for 25yrs now Ballyhack..
If the last 2 expansions are anything to go by. Your priest would be better staying disc. It is the better healing spec atm.
Leveling my hunter should I be stacking stam and agil?
In your reagent tab?
Do you still get the boost to level 90 if you don't preorder?
I just hit 90 on my hunter. I bought full valr gear. Wondering what sort of spec I should go with. People are saying BM is best at the moment? Really not sure what pet to tame either any suggestions on that?
Question for those of you who PvP.
I quit WoW about a year or so ago. I was a fairly casual player, and enjoyed PvP – mostly BG’s and sometimes arena for conquest points.
I have investigated some of what Blizzard has done with ability bloat with the WoD changes, and in general I like it.
However, I have noticed that “move while casting” specs such as my beloved Fire Mage have been pretty much removed from PvP. Looks like the same thing has happened to Warlocks with the change to their level 90 talent (can’t remember the name – the one to do with moving and casting…Kil’Jaeden’s something).
To me this seems like it will favor melee chars such as Feral Druid a lot in WoD – hard to peel chars with loads of opportunity to interrupt casts. Seems to me like this will be compounded by changes to CC and DR’s, nerfing “control” type playstyles, and offering melee classes way more uptime on squishy targets.
Am I wrong? Would anyone who has done some PvP in beta (or even just after 6.0) able to share their experiences?
(Id like to avoid speccing Frost if at all possible)