***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I levelled my Unholy DK to 90 on Alliance and then found aload of mates had formed up their old Horde guild again, i had an 88 Mage there, got to 90 and realised Mage playstyle aint my thing anymore, so dug out my 35 lock on the same server, loaded him up with Heirlooms and now he's 50, done 45 to 50 yesterday in about 2hrs of herbing and just queing as dungeon dps.

But ive decided Warlock aint my thing either, i have a 71 Orc DK on the same server so im going to finish that to 90, nice you can mail looms across realms now, so i can just send him the cloak, helm and legs i have.

I only play evenings for a few hours but i dont think it will take me more than 5 days or so to get to 90 on him, then a few nights of Timeless Isle farmage, although im not sure if i should bother as the gear will be redundant once WoD goes live i guess?

What are these SoO Heirlooms i see people mention? anything i should definitely be doing pre WoD?

Come WoD i will be levelling to 100 and then raiding with the guild hopefully, im looking forward to the Garrison stuff as i quite like Tradeskills in WoW.
I was wondering why whenever I send mail to an alt it always autofills the server afterwards, didn't even think about being able to mail stuff to other realms :p.

Apparently anything that is Bind-to-Account (so mostly heirlooms and Timeless tokens, but other stuff too, NOT gold :() can be sent to chars on other servers.

It's charname-realm, eg Bloomfield-Silvermoon. Spaces in realm names need removed, apostrophes need to be kept :).
Anyone read the patch notes? Razergore. First boss of black wing lair, the tier 2 raid. Had a buff to his survivability.
Doubt it matters much, i done 10 man Naxx last night for giggles, most bosses were almost 1 shottable. Doubt BWL is any different, unless its no longer the Vanilla raid it used to be?
So Siege of Ogrimmar Heirlooms, what are there? Infact Heirlooms in general, it seems i can get a Helm Legs and Cloak from Guild Vendor, where can i get the others? i think i have some older ones from when you could get them with Justice points etc but these are only workable upto 80?
Yeah, for now. Next patch they will be added back. SoO heirlooms are just weapons, you get one on your first drop for the spec/class you do it with. The drop rate will be lowered when WoD is out though.
Darkmoon faire, argent crusade heirlooms and pvp heirlooms are still availible. They plan on revamping heirloom vendors during the next patch.
Got it sorted, authenticator disappeared and never came back. No idea why it happened but seems sorted so ho hum.

I played the trial a bit, was rather enjoying it then there was a special offer of wow up to and including MoP with 30 days free for £4.50. Got that and if after 30 days in still enjoying will dub and pick up Warlords, if I'm not only cost £4.50.

We'll see!!
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