***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I was there when the quest appeared.. grabbed it headed to portal to blasted lands and thats as far as i can get...

About usual progress for a wow expansion :p :p
I still cant decide on a char to boost on a fresh server to take on Wod with. Its primarily for pve (bit of pvp on the side) and i will generally be a dps in our raid.

Torn between shadow preist/ret/shaman. Anyone manage to play beta and get an idea of these at 100 at all? Also which one has the best animations/effects these days? I am a sucker for my characters looking cool, not fussed about min/maxing.
It's crashing hilariously here :D

This is what I loved about WoW before it became all organised & efficient. Players vs. Servers.
I never remember servers being this bad, always seems to get worse despite falling subscribers lol.

Still Diablo 3 launch was funny when the whole of Battlenet crashed :D
You don't go through the portal, you take the quest that pops up and speak to the guy outside the portal and he teleports you.
Managed to do the first couple of quests.

I have to say the quest design for the portal is terrible. They clearly didn't plan the quests for release.

Hopefully once people spread out it will be playable.
been havin good fun, did a run of Bloodmaul **** Mines which seemed fun, so annoying how many inconsiderate tools sittin on npc's with their mounts tho.

And the early quest where you have to mark trees with flags lol that was crazy
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