***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

There is no best. All have uses, especially with the garrisons. http://i.imgur.com/VsPoz4a.jpg

Depends though, If you are a raider Alchemy might float your boat. And Engineering has some cool new items as always. A garrison will only give you access to the reagents. And the lower level stuff can be crafted in there too but to have the best on tap to craft you need to be going into both having and building appropriate specialist buildings.

Example my main will be Guardian druid for PVP and the odd Raid, And i have Engineering for some pvp and Cooking Fishing and Alchemy for personal buffs and supplies for the buffs. The Garrison is going to let me pick my own Herb Garden for the herbs, A Barn for the best meat and the Alchemy lab will enable the best flasks. The rest is just fillers to grab gold and get into the Gladiators Sanctum.

All in all pretty cool and automated.
People in the guild on Silvermoon have been on and off all night, I've been sat in old Outlands without a single dc. Seems to be safe here.
Returning to WoW with the release of WoD, primarily for PvP but will be doing PvE on the side I imagine. Reckon I'm gonna main a mage this expac instead of sticking with old reliable druid, got bored of playing it for the past few expansions
Now their is talk floating about that at 11 you'll get a quest and it'll tell you to go to SW, to then get another quest to go to blasted lands. Sort of a 50% chance. So if its true, servers will break if hundreds of people are hearthing back to SW at the same time. I'm waiting(with many others) in the mage tower.
Been on for hours, all at Dark Portal waiting, everyone DC'd and hearthstoned back to home cities, then portals break, now no NPC for quest...classic launch! :D
I got logged out in the blasted lands, relogged in the shrine of the seven stars (I hadn't been in pandaria zones for days). Quest received, realm dies.
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