***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Sooo many people at frostfire ridge lol

Would love to do an all nighter, but gotta be somewhat fresh for tomorrow.

First impressions so far seem to be good, quite like the story so far, seems a little more involved, which distracts from the "do this, kill x" type quests.

New areas look gorgeous as well.
Would love to do an all nighter, but gotta be somewhat fresh for tomorrow.

First impressions so far seem to be good, quite like the story so far, seems a little more involved, which distracts from the "do this, kill x" type quests.

New areas look gorgeous as well.

Seens very good to me as well. Just a major lag fest for me though and lots of others, keep getting ported to Shrine of Two Moons which is a real pita.

Wanting to keep going with leveling and hopefully ding 100 before sleeping if its similiar to 85 - 90 time to level. Almost tempted to catch a couple of hours sleep while its laggy.
Lag was bad in blasted lands, however as soon as I went through the portal it was fine... No lag whatsoever - until I arrived at the garrison area. That was a massive b bottle neck where players were gathering and all hunting the same ravens and placing the same flags - totally unplayable so I logged off and did those quests this morning... I expect similar tonight
Silvermoon, EU, alliance.

Been playing since 3:30am, I thought it was the most likely time that will be a quieter to play. It was lagging at the Garrison area about 4:30am and now Shadowmoon Valley has DC'ed me from the game and Im now ported to MoP... and I'm at the character select screen again >_<
Anyone able to post an opinion on the look/feel/excitement of the expansion for a lapsed player wondering if he should return? Vanilla and TBC were my favourite times. I know the game has moved on but does it recapture any of the outlands vibe?
Did anyone else buy a physical Collectors Edition? I registered the key from mine and its showing up as just a normal edition in my Battle.net. No mount and pet in game either :(
So my first impressions of the game...I am really glad I have come back to playing WoW I have decided to roll my affliction warlock. I love the introduction to the bosses as we go along, its far better than MoP in my opinion.

I havent even got to level 91 yet or tried the dungeon but currently at work with 4hrs sleep and looking forward to a longer session on it tonight (if the servers let me)
Anyone able to post an opinion on the look/feel/excitement of the expansion for a lapsed player wondering if he should return? Vanilla and TBC were my favourite times. I know the game has moved on but does it recapture any of the outlands vibe?

This feels very similar to TBC for me, I don't know if it was stepping through the portal etc... but I definitely like the feel of this expansion already and I'm only half way through lvl 91.

It has moved on, and things are different, but I would give it a try if I were you.
Is the leveling quick or slow?

Relatively quick in the sense that you get through levels quickly, however there are twice as many levels to get through compared to previous expansions - Saying that some reports before release suggest 90 to 100 in 8 hours or so (using a speed levelling route).
This is the first expansion i have not bought on release, im tempted to play it again, but i keep remembering how boring it got since the burning crusade, got so many good memories of vanilla wow, which is whats making me want to pick the game up.

I got a 7 day free play time and i played for a good...5minutes before i turned it back off mainly because all my action bars have gone and i could not be bothered learning how to play it again.
Hope the servers are playable this evening when I get home from work! I already feel like a mile behind my guild mates!
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