Worst tv advert?

The new Reed (?) recruitment consultants ad is truly the worst thing I have seen ad wise since being down-under with their low-budget yokel cheese-tastic tat, and jingles that will make you cringe. I know people who work in advertising and they couldn't believe what they were watching when they first saw it. They thought it was a spoof.

I also loathe On The Beach for ruining a great christmas song by subliminal association.
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Imagine being an actor, and your career is so ****ed, the only gig you can get is to be an eyebrow man in a McDonalds advert.
I like to think that advertisers know what they are doing but do people really like these adverts? Most adverts I am largely indifferent to but when I really dislike one I actively don't want to buy whatever they are selling.

Then there are the adverts where you keep seeing them and every time you are thinking, "I have seen this quite a few times and I still can't remember what its for".

I'm beginning to think there is a rise in businesses who have the technical ability to produce ads but lacking on the theory. End of the day I'm not the target audience for most of these ads and what can hook one group of people might do nothing for another but still.
Saw a new one tonight: The Pringles advert with the awful animated hamster playing a keyboard (someone was high writing that one I think)
I have a visceral hatred of this advert. Have to look away when it’s on. WTF is the meaning even supposed to be? I just find it sort of disturbing.

I have a visceral hatred of this advert. Have to look away when it’s on. WTF is the meaning even supposed to be? I just find it sort of disturbing.

it seems to confuse and upset the young un. I am not impressed. That woman's face looks like something moving towards The Joker.

Probably only the worst 'old' advert for freaking the *** NO SWEARING ***out of me as a kid

For the worst modern TV advert has to be the Oral B or the Calgon ads - just pure annoying

My favourite 'old' advert maybe Mr Cadbury's Parrot because its just bonkers
crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside... Armadillos!

I dont mind this advert, the Haryy Enfield Dime Bar ads are some of the funniest going.

For ads that make me want to stick knitting needles in my ears: the current 'Flash' floor cleaner ads.
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crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside... Armadillos!

I dont mind this advert, the Haryy Enfield Dime Bar ads are some of the funniest going.

For ads that make me want to stick knitting needles in my ears: the current 'Flash' floor cleaner ads.
Dime bar ads were great back in the day

As for needles in ears, the bold ads too. Just please stop changing lyrics to songs and sticking them in for an advert. Flash, bold, on the beach, the lot of them. Enough!
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