From the horse's mouth and a view I agree with, the EU is in its death throws, and Nationalism will become prevalent with rigid border controls, and member states becoming far more autonomous prior to its total break up. A UK referendum result citing leave may act as a mild catalyst, but the migration crisis is worsening and it will have a far greater impact than our leaving.
"THE European Union is at risk of falling apart over the next 10-years due to the migrant crisis, the head of the European Parliament suggested.
The EU could crumble in just a decade, Mr Schulz said
He was responding to a recent warning from Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg's foreign affairs and migration minister, the union might break apart.
No one can say whether the EU will still exist in this form in 10-years' time.
"If we want that then we need to fight very hard for it."
He did not specify what exactly was threatening the EU but focused heavily on the migrant crisis, which has stretched Europe's unity and many of its member countries' tolerance this year.
The European Parliament head said the EU was not without alternatives and "could have course be reversed".
He warned other options included a removal of the free-movement Schengen zone to a Europe in which nationalism, borders and walls were prevalent."