Would you consider yourself "fit" ?

;) This is a rare foray into the GD but i had to post this


:rolleyes: , does our friend Seb have some issues he wants to share ?
I would consider myself healthy and fit. I am not overly muscular but I lead a very active life and eat relatively healthily. Plus I'm happy with life :)
20 years old and still skiiny but I am not fit, smoke and drink but I have started playiing footie now and we drink lots of 100% fresh squeezed orange every day.

More worried about cancer from the smoking tbh. :(
I wouldn't consider myself unhealthy, but I wouldn't say I'm fit either. I got to the gym regularly (though I've been slack of late), and while I do eat some crap, I do balance it out.
im not...i always am through the summer though...

i normally cycle 10mile every morning when i break up from college (back end of june)

i know its not much to die hard cyclists... but it does me fine.. and i notice a real difference within 2weeks.

drinks 2 pints of water, a banana and cornflakes on a morning.. or brown bread toast.

feel great and fresh all day.

im 11st and im 5ft 11in... i dont know if thats good or not, but id liked to be more defined.
Not really sure to be honest. I'm definitely overweight, I weigh 98kilos and am 6ft 1 and 1/4 (the 1/4 is important). I should really weigh about 85 kilos, which means I'm carrying around a fair amount of the old lard.

But, I go jogging 3-4 times a week. Nothing major, just around 4km. Everytime I go to the doctors for a checkup (every year because of my job) I'm asked if I do a lot of sports as I have quite low blood pressure and a low resting pulse. Which I'm told are indicative of being quite fit. I've always found this a bit confusing as I have always considered myself to be a bit of a lard bucket, vainly trying to get fit.

In summary, I don't know!
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Not at all and I really should get round to changing that.
I'm thin and until recently was underweight, but when it comes to fitness I'm terrible.
Hopefully in the summer I'll have more time to work on that.
I do quite a bit of exercise, probably more than the average anyway. On the flipside I have a beer gut and eat too much, oh well, I'll get over it.
im going to have to say no

i got a beer belly but its going down . I now have a beer day

thats 1 day a week where i can drink its working too just gotta stick to it ......
18 months ago , Although I only weighed 7 stone I would have considered myself very unfit - Eating loads of crap, smoking and doing zero exercise

Fast forward to now and I'm eating healthily and exercising for 5 and a half hours a week at the gym ( doing 8 classes a week ) but I weigh just over 8 stone now ( see sig for details ) ... I'm working hard to get rid of the weight I put on after giving up smoking etc

So I wouldn't call myself superfit but I'm certainly not unfit anymore and think I've done myself a favour by getting a bit of a blob lol !

Once I'm down to the weight I am I think I will continue to eat the way I am and just cut back on the classes a little - enjoy them too much to stop them alltogether :)
I'm not what I would call particularly fit at the moment, I usually go to the gym about 3 times a week as well as playing some form of sports(badminton most often) however I've been neglecting this recently partly due to exam revision and partly due to going out a bit too much. Over summer though hopefully I'll have less in the way of distractions and I can get back to a level I'm happier with.

That said I do more in the way of exercise than pretty much any of my mates even though I've been doing less recently which is the rather worrying thing.
yeah id say im pretty fit, not as cardiovascular as a few months back as im not playing hockey the 4 times a week i was. I do a fair bit of cycling and go climbing about 5 times a week. I weigh about 12.5 stone and have well defined muscles and am pretty strong as a result.

Got exams and stuff coming up but over the summer ill sort out my cardio by doing some more running and cycling.
On the 1st January this year, I weighed 15st 12lbs and was moving into the realms of chronic asthma. As of last Sunday I weigh 12st 5lbs and hardly ever have to touch my inhalers.

I've done this through a complete lifestyle change, not by just a diet. I have begun training with my old Rugby Club again and have been fast tracked through to the regions over 35's 7's squad. I exercise now not because I have to but because I love to, I have a varied exercise program that includes the usual (running, cycling, swimming, weights) but also climbing, surfing and archery.

I can honestly say in all my years I have never felt better. I have definitely never been fitter than I am now (particularly my anaerobic fitness)

It's the surprise benefits that I'm enjoying most, things like being able to sleep for a full 8 hours each night because I'm properly tired and my body isn't pumped up on chemicals in food, Not sweating like a pig on hot days, being able to concentrate for longer and deal with more complicated problems far easier than before.

I would whole-heartedly suggest that everybody makes that little extra effort to look at them selves and decide what really needs changing. You won't regret it
I could do with losing 5kg, I am 6'6" and 90Kg but last year when we moved and renovated our new house I was 85Kg and my waist was noticable better.

I think I will stop putting suger in my coffee and cut down on the beers (yeah right :o )
I'm rather unfit, smoke about 10 ciggys a day and have about 10-12pints a week. Saying that I also play football once or twice a week and I'm a little under weight still.

Usally find I'm near death after about 70-80mind on the football field, probibly should give up smokeing and start running again but I'm to comftable in my lazy life style, stamina is definatly my problem.
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