Would you consider yourself "fit" ?

KizZ said:
Just need some more muscle. Started going to gym 2 weeks ago. Does anyone here take Methandrostenelone?

no idea what that is, but is it something like creatine... 'cheat' bulk through increasing your cells water content or whatever?

i dont really get all that taking supliments stuff, ive foudn that just eating well has made me a much faster and fitter player for football, im no where near as tired at the end of matches, out of breath less, and more importantly, im getting to the ball first ;)
im 17 and no where near as fit as i was a yr or 2 ago when i used to live at the gym, but now that study leave is coming up and il have a lot of spare time i think il be out on the bike in the morning and try n make it to the gym a lot more
matthew_o50 said:
I would consider myself to be of average fitness for my age. I do however have problems with my bones, my knees crack/crunch like mad all the time and I get sore and stiff fingers that I have to crack not to mention the creeks from the rest of my bones. I'm sure this is not normal for a 19 year old and I really should do something about it.

Cod liver oil to keep all them these joints oiled up.
In short, no, im not fit, at all.

Need to join a gym really and start doing more. I probably do about a mile walk a day, but its hardly excercise :/ Need to shift my rather podgy gut.
I think I'm healthy. I always eat my 5 a day (and enjoy eating fruit) and have the occasional treat (Fanta, chocolate etc). I do excerise as well (walking to and from school everyday, playing on school fields, P.E and the occasional 4 Mile and cycle). So yeah, I would consider myself healthy :)
malfunkshun said:
steroids, great, carp on its own apparently, dont use it long term if you MUST use it at all.

If he's only started going to the gym 2 weeks ago I'd say to stay *well* away from steroids.

I've known plenty of people "cheat" by using steriods and none of them are in a good way nowadays. I've got no problem with steriods in general, they can serve a purpose but certainly not for somebody that has been training for 2 weeks!!
eidolon said:
If he's only started going to the gym 2 weeks ago I'd say to stay *well* away from steroids.

I've known plenty of people "cheat" by using steriods and none of them are in a good way nowadays. I've got no problem with steriods in general, they can serve a purpose but certainly not for somebody that has been training for 2 weeks!!
Agreed, I have never been in a gym in my life. But I know a fella with nasty liver problems from porlonged use of that very drug.
Im quite modest, but i do breakdancing twice a week along with some footy and other activities. Im happy with my fitness especially after laying out in the sun the other day and finding out some of the ladies were checking out the sixpack. :cool:

Oh and also preparation for the tennis season!

However, fitness isn't something I beat myself up over. I'm reasonably happy with how I am, I have a bit of a beer belly coming on and have put on a good stone over the last year or so. Did get a shock the other day when trying on a short-sleeved shirt I haven't worn since last summer and found it incredibly tight though :eek:

Every day there are articles about how food/drink X/Y is bad for you, then a few months later further research shows that it's good for you in some way. My policy at the moment is just to eat what I like, and be happy. I could eat more healthily and possibly extend my life, but then if I'm not enjoying myself, what's the point?

Of course there may come a point when I say 'enough is enough' and decide to work on my fitness a bit more. But for the time being I can live with being unfit.
HangTime said:

However, fitness isn't something I beat myself up over. I'm reasonably happy with how I am, I have a bit of a beer belly coming on and have put on a good stone over the last year or so. Did get a shock the other day when trying on a short-sleeved shirt I haven't worn since last summer and found it incredibly tight though :eek:

Every day there are articles about how food/drink X/Y is bad for you, then a few months later further research shows that it's good for you in some way. My policy at the moment is just to eat what I like, and be happy. I could eat more healthily and possibly extend my life, but then if I'm not enjoying myself, what's the point?

Of course there may come a point when I say 'enough is enough' and decide to work on my fitness a bit more. But for the time being I can live with being unfit.

I agree. We only live once.... I think :o
I'm nowhere near the fitness level I'd like to be, but I'd consider myself well above average. I put a lot of effort into training because it makes me feel a lot better in the long run. Life is easier when you have the energy to do stuff, instead of putting things off because you can't be bothered.

Dieting isn't something I hugely worry about, but there's plenty of food that tastes nice without having a tonne of fat thrown in. I used to crave stuff like chocolate and fatty foods but once you've gone so long without them you hardly miss them at all, and feel a lot better for avoiding them.
Nah, unfit and probably far from being fit. Gonna do some cycling and stuff when i finish uni and try and get back into exercising daily, so i can enjoy some footy during the summer.

Hoping when i go travelling for a couple of months ill shape up, be walking probably every day and my missus will be there the whole time to prevent me eating crap, should be good.
Despite going to the gym twice a week and swimming once a week.

I think the Race for Life is going to do me in!

Just had a go at the 5km (for distance purposes) took me 40mins with some walking (went out last night so I thought I would be allowed!)

I should complete it, but doing all this doesn't make me fit.

BB x
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