Would you push the button knowing the consequences?

However I'd only apply this logic of attack to the west and Russia...China/NK etc are a different kettle of fish.

Good point - though like ourselves China's nuclear capabilities are more of the retaliatory - make it too costly for someone to want to attack us variety rather than a potent first strike capability (unless they've hidden stuff very well).

NK is another matter again - their mentality when it comes to nuclear weapons is very different to even China - if anyone was to actually use one either an actual attack or show of force I'd put bets on it being NK (because they just don't see the consequences the same way as we do in the West).
If it was your job, you'd press it. If you were so strongly against their use you wouldn't take the role, let alone even be offered it.

Would I press it? Sure
If it was your job, you'd press it. If you were so strongly against their use you wouldn't take the role, let alone even be offered it.

Would I press it? Sure

If you're against it you take the role to make sure there's nobody there who's for it. You become a defence mechanism.
I wouldn't ever be in the position to do it.
I'd have been court martialed or something before it came to it.

I don't even see the point of doing it in revenge.
I think the whole MAD thing isn't really thought through :p
Nuclear weapons are a deterrent and have worked. If one country lets one loose, it would likely result in WW3; which would be very short (watch the film Threads).

I was going to mention "Threads", with viewer discretion, and in spoiler tags only, but alas it has already been mentioned now. It was a Cold War-era documentary film about what would happen to humanity when that button is pushed. The survival rate was very low, with most of the UK houses being razed and has some upsetting scenes on how some of the survivors fared. The reason why I said to watch it with viewer discretion is because some of the scenes are pretty graphic. It was a bit much for me and it gave me nightmares, even though I only watched it earlier this year! It is very well made though and it should in theory act as a deterrent.
I was going to mention "Threads", with viewer discretion, and in spoiler tags only, but alas it has already been mentioned now. It was a Cold War-era documentary film about what would happen to humanity when that button is pushed. The survival rate was very low, with most of the UK houses being razed and has some upsetting scenes on how some of the survivors fared. The reason why I said to watch it with viewer discretion is because some of the scenes are pretty graphic. It was a bit much for me and it gave me nightmares, even though I only watched it earlier this year! It is very well made though and it should in theory act as a deterrent.

Introduced to Threads by my English Teacher, the class were I think 15-16 back in the early nineties? Watership Down was another classic. Romeo and Juliet (1968) was a calmer affair and a decent film.

Said Teacher was in her early twenties at the time, she was a massive animal rights and anti nuclear, would rock up to class on a Monday morning, looking battered (no lie) having had a fight with fox hunters. You couldn't make it up.

If it happened now, she would have been absolutely slaughtered by parents. We (pupils) thought she was brilliant and no-one would grass, no idea where her career took her, but I genuinely hope it panned out.
Threads is one hell of a scary film. Another similar film worth watching is The Day After. It's like an American Threads. But I found Threads scarier because it's based in this country so feels more real. Both come with a heavy dose of viewer discretion.

In answer to the question, yes I would be prepared to press the button (I think). Without being prepared to press it then the whole MAD deterrent falls apart.
What part of China's spat IS with the USA, NOT BRITAIN SO IT'S NOT EVEN BRITAIN'S WAR do the British parliament not understand?
China only became Britain's enemy becuase the USA said it is.
The country and people of China might be Joe Biden's enemy but they're not mine.
The Politicians want to suppprt USA and 'carry out obligactions to NATO? THEY should be sent to the very front themselves when the shooting starts.

And didn't the USA invade Grenada or is it, like the Vietnam War, something they'd rather forget happen? After all, they should know about what happens whent hey stick their noses in and where're Apple's Disney toys made?
In China.
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Only if i can be strapped to the side of a missile before it's launched. Then i can do a slim pickens in Dr Strangelove. :p
Absolutely. And I’d press it first before anyone else. Humanity is a cancer that can’t be allowed to spread.

You do know that it would devestate all life. But I agree we are a cancer

I wouldn't push it. Couldn't do it. Absolutely no point.
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