Would you push the button knowing the consequences?

"Stanislav Petrov was in charge of a Soviet nuclear early warning center when there was a report of five American nuclear missiles heading towards the soviet union. Rather than retaliate, Stanislav followed his gut feeling and went against protocol, convincing the armed forces that it was a false alarm. His decision saved the world from a potential devastating nuclear holocaust."
He didn't press the button because he thought it was a false alarm. If he thought it was a real attack he would have pushed the button.

I am missing the relevance of this quote to this thread or the post you quoted.
What part of China's spat IS with the USA, NOT BRITAIN SO IT'S NOT EVEN BRITAIN'S WAR do the British parliament not understand?
China only became Britain's enemy becuase the USA said it is.
The country and people of China might be Joe Biden's enemy but they're not mine.
The Politicians want to suppprt USA and 'carry out obligactions to NATO? THEY should be sent to the very front themselves when the shooting starts.

And didn't the USA invade Grenada or is it, like the Vietnam War, something they'd rather forget happen? After all, they should know about what happens whent hey stick their noses in and where're Apple's Disney toys made?
In China.
No, the only good commie is a dead one. :p
Why did they want to create it though?

I have read the Mail article and the one in The Telegraph and neither say why.
Experts told the paper that creating an 'ideal' average virus could have been part of work to create a vaccine that works across coronaviruses.

Says right there.

The proposal was to make a "generic" corona virus inorder to make the base for a "generic" vaccine for future variants of sars etc.
Just picture the scene, You're Joe Biden's, Xi Jinping's, Vladimir Putin's top general and you've been given the order to luanch a nuclear attack, knowing full well that you'll be possibly ending civilisation and destroying the world. Would you push the button?
Me, I'd tell them, may you and the other politicians rot in the hell you've created. I'd push the button then shoot myself but I'd leave a note asking for what's left of human civilisation to forgive and not blame me but to lay the blame squarely at the feet of the politicians first.

I find it interesting that you continuously spit out bile towards Xi Jinping's, Vladimir Putin and notably Joe Biden in threads all over the shop. Lumping a man whose only just gotten the top job after being democratically elected and shown no interest in pursuing foreign wars with out and out dictators. What's he done to get you so riled up?
I find it interesting that you continuously spit out bile towards Xi Jinping's, Vladimir Putin and notably Joe Biden in threads all over the shop. Lumping a man whose only just gotten the top job after being democratically elected and shown no interest in pursuing foreign wars with out and out dictators. What's he done to get you so riled up?

They're the only ones with big arsenal's?
They're the only ones with big arsenal's?

And biggest mouths and senses of insecurity.
They need their nukes and big militaries like a toddler needs a security blanket.
As for Johnson getting us involved, here's a qiute from Star Wars- ' Who's th biggest fool, The fool or the fool who follows him'
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It probably won't be long now until the politicians start putting adverts for the armed forces up and on the telly and putting the country on war footing and Boris Johnson being summoned to Washington and all NATO reps called to Brussels andpossibly, call up papers start being printed and sent out.
But the politicians and embassadors to the UN who vote for action against China/Russia won't be joining up or getting their call up papers like they didn't before the Korean War kicked off.
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knowing full well that you'll be possibly ending civilisation and destroying the world.

Even with an all-out nuclear exchange neither of those will happen. Large parts of the world - most of the southern hemisphere - will be almost entirely unaffected in the short term and radiation levels will quickly drop (because highly radioactive stuff doesn't last long) so long-term effects will be little. Sure millions - even billions - will die, but the human population will swiftly recover. Hell, China and India could benefit from losing half a billion each.

Everyone will be ******

So no I would not push the button, I would say get down here and push it yourself **** face.
Here's an interesting development that the USA'd rather keep under wraps:-
US and Chinese scientists were planning to create a brand new coronavirus, leaked proposals show | Daily Mail Online

I was right to have my suspicions from the start.

Yep this was common knowledge in 2020 when social media were censoring it and Daszak was thanking Fauci (as per leaked emails) for claiming publicly that it couldn't possibly have been a laboratory leak. Fauci is in it up to his neck.
Even with an all-out nuclear exchange neither of those will happen. Large parts of the world - most of the southern hemisphere - will be almost entirely unaffected in the short term and radiation levels will quickly drop (because highly radioactive stuff doesn't last long) so long-term effects will be little. Sure millions - even billions - will die, but the human population will swiftly recover. Hell, China and India could benefit from losing half a billion each.

The problem is the ash/dust cloud from cities etc being equivilent to a large Asteroid strike which would drop the temperature and kill most plant life.

Plus if someone decides thier last wave is going to hit nuclear power plants or waste storage what then?
The problem is the ash/dust cloud from cities etc being equivilent to a large Asteroid strike

I seriously doubt that. Nuclear strikes against cities are most effective as airbursts, which minimise the amount of radioactive material and dust lofted into the upper atmosphere. And they're tiddlers compared with a big volcanic eruption. Low level dust is washed out by rain.
I seriously doubt that. Nuclear strikes against cities are most effective as airbursts, which minimise the amount of radioactive material and dust lofted into the upper atmosphere. And they're tiddlers compared with a big volcanic eruption. Low level dust is washed out by rain.

The cities and pretty much everything else will burn though.

And we're talking at the cold War times when all this was worked out some 20,000+ nuclear explosions expected

So who knows
Cities, can't they easily wipe entire countries out?

Don't worry, the ETs are here and will protect the Earth from ourselves and then ourselves from... er.... us :rolleyes:
"Stanislav Petrov was in charge of a Soviet nuclear early warning center when there was a report of five American nuclear missiles heading towards the soviet union. Rather than retaliate, Stanislav followed his gut feeling and went against protocol, convincing the armed forces that it was a false alarm. His decision saved the world from a potential devastating nuclear holocaust."

Stanislav was just using his brain and realised that the information he had been given was duff because if the US was going to unleash nuclear armageddon on the USSR he knew that they would be sending a lot more than 5 missles in an opening salvo.

Petrov later indicated that the influences on his decision included that he had been told a US strike would be all-out, so five missiles seemed an illogical start; that the launch detection system was new and, in his view, not yet wholly trustworthy;

So not necessarily because he had an aversion to causing the sort of casualties that may have resulted from him passing on the information.
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