WoW: PvE Progression

20 Nov 2002
Hey guys,

Seeing other people's WoW characters and how they are progressing in the game is quite an interest of mine (OK I like to show mine too ;))

But I'm just wondering how far people have got in the current PvE content available? A friend and I were having a discussion about if it's time for the expansion now or not etc, and it lead us to thinking about how far the majority of people will have gotten with the current in game content.

So anyway, how far have your guilds gotten?

My guild is currently at C'Thun Phase 2 in AQ40.

yeah my guild is also on cthun phase 2, finding it tricky atm though, we often have trouble getting ppl to sign up when they no it will be a night of wiping a lot trying to learn and master the boss. hopefully naxxramis wont' be so dependant on resist gear.
We've just got to the point where we can down the Eye each time but haven't got enough DPS left alive to get the giant claw or eye tentacles in phase 2. Attandance isn't too bad for C'Thun as peeps who attend the C'Thun wipe nights get preference for BWL/MC nights.

Really looking forward to Naxxaramas although I hear it's going to need a ton of frost/shadow resistance gear.
EasyG said:
yeah my guild is also on cthun phase 2, finding it tricky atm though, we often have trouble getting ppl to sign up when they no it will be a night of wiping a lot trying to learn and master the boss. hopefully naxxramis wont' be so dependant on resist gear.
Isnt he supposed to be all about frost resistance ?
sup3rc0w said:
Isnt he supposed to be all about frost resistance ?

yes but at least this time they are leasing craftable items to gi with the instance unlike AQ where there is no good NR stuff except from the dragons and crappy maraudan. even blizzard admitted (for once) that they screwed up not having any decent NR items there were easy to get.
Tue, most people will be Revered/Exhalted with Hydraxian waterlords and Argent Dawn to be able to get the patterns. Im so bummed I'm not exhalted with Argent ... so many runs i never wore my argent trinket :(
Mr.Stu said:
Raggy down for the first time last week, starting bwl later today. Not quite the latest content, but I'm enjoying it.

Managed to get Razorgore down on our 5th attempt, by then it was getting on a bit, so we only had one attempt at Vael. MT didn't have his FR gear so it was a tad messy to say the least ;)

Going back on Monday to continue, fingers crossed Dragonfang Blade drops, would be a nice upgrade from my lobo.
Reading this thread makes me drool.

I managed to get my guild to Hakkar for the first time in ZG on wednesday but it was getting late and a few left so unfortunately we didnt down him. I have a terrible time with the amount of very casual players in the guild, organising MC is a nightmare to say the least. Infact im suprised the last time we went we managed to kill lucifron.
We arent a hardcore raiding guild (We only have one guild on Horde side in AQ40)

We are upto Chromaggus in BWL And it wont be long before he's down, been hampered by Server Lag recently.
sc(+)pe said:
Reading this thread makes me drool.

I managed to get my guild to Hakkar for the first time in ZG on wednesday but it was getting late and a few left so unfortunately we didnt down him. I have a terrible time with the amount of very casual players in the guild, organising MC is a nightmare to say the least. Infact im suprised the last time we went we managed to kill lucifron.

The guild me and JodieG are in recently turned into a raiding guild (we're the raid officers) from a casual one and had the same problems as you. We were struggling to get 20 for ZG then had a big recruitment drive and got a lot of new 60's who had never five manned an instance before. MC was interesting to say the least but after imposing a few strict rules we've now killed domo and are saving up cores etc for fire res gear so we stand a chance on Rag. We are now a lot more relaxed on the rules and thank god the average skill of the player has gone up. ZG is still a problem for us, easy epics in MC stops most people wanting to come even for DKP so although we've killed up to and including the tiger we can't encourage enough of the better players to come to practice the panther. As to Ony we don't let most of the guild do it due to their inability to stop and start dps when required and maintain low and steady DPS. We've started doing it with our best 25 and have her down to 40% so far but got wiped due to the lag the last 3 weeks. So that's pretty much our last 4 months in a nutshell :D.
farming MC, farming onyxia, farming zg, *almost*farming aq20 (not quite consistant on it yet). not trired AQ40 yet, but working on BWL currently. downed fire...something last night :)
MC = Farm (for over a year now, one had one binding -.-)

Onyxia = Farm

BWL = Farm

ZG = Farm

AQ20 = Farm

AQ40 = Currently Attempting twin emps, best attempt is 70%. Having a problem with blizzard.
I've got 2 level 60 characters, but I gave up the high end raids after a few trips to ZG. We killed a few of the bosses, but my girlfriend wasn't too happy about me spending 3 or 4 hours in the evening playing the game, and I can't really blame her! So, my high end PvE ended there really and I can't say i'm sad about that as in retrospect it not the best use of time. Looking forward to the expansion though for the levelling which is a lot more girlfriend friendly.
My guild on Twilights Hammer used to be up to BWL...but after a few people moved to bigger guild we're now back to stuggling with MC.

Personally I have only just started to raid properly. I started off as a Paladin and quickly got bored of the Heal/Cleanse style of i rolled a warrior and haven't looked back since. I'm one of the few Dual Wield Fury Warriors in my guild and current have Quel'Serrar in my main had....seriously sick damage. :p

Here's my Profile -
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